
Joe Biden: We Were Able To Stay Home During COVID Because of Some Black Woman Stocking Groceries


It’s impossible to know if Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden is actually suffering from a cognitive decline, or if he’s just really bad at speaking.

In any event, Biden always seems to get himself into trouble when he veers away from prepared remarks.

It’s probably at least partially why his campaign avoids letting him speak to reporters with any kind of regularity.

Biden often utters profoundly dumb or senseless statements, and sometimes those statements contain either a racial element or a racist undertone.

That’s problematic when you’re the leader of the Democratic Party, which portrays itself as a modern civil rights movement.

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Early in his 47-year career, Biden called the idea of an integrated school a “racial jungle,” and earlier this year told a black radio host on his radio program that if he wasn’t voting for him, then “you ain’t black.”

The host’s blackness was apparently contingent on whether he voted for him.

Biden’s latest racial remark actually came last month, but is only now coming to light because the establishment media apparently again ran interference for the 77-year-old.

NBC News proudly aired a roundtable discussion in which Biden addressed reporters on Sept. 15 at a “Roundtable with Veterans” event.


But the network that allowed the intrepid Brian Williams to run rampant with lies at the “Nightly News” desk for 11 years neglected to tell us that Biden used a portion of his speaking time at the event to insinuate that black women are only fit for work in stocking grocery store shelves.

Speaking of Americans at large, Biden said people were starting to realize that “the reason I was able to stay sequestered in my home was because some black woman was able to stock the grocery shelf.”

It’s no wonder Biden has often resorted to plagiarism.

His original thoughts are less than inspiring.

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Biden’s “black woman” comment began spreading online Monday afternoon:

You can’t even fault Biden at this point either for uttering the comment or for the fact that it has only just gone viral.

This is simply who Biden is.

The controversy is on the country’s activist media, which chose to ignore the grocery store remark about black women.

Biden has been locked away in his basement for the better part of seven months, hiding from the coronavirus while hardworking Americans have lost jobs, braved going out to live life and had their mental health ravaged by the pandemic’s psychological symptoms.

The media has helped to push the fear, the death toll numbers and the lockdowns, all while keeping us perfectly safe from Biden’s latest comments disparaging minorities.

Meanwhile, President Donald Trump has spent most of the last four days as a patient at Walter Reed Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland, after contracting the coronavirus.

The media that has savaged Trump for becoming ill is the same one that neglected us to tell us that Biden summarized the country’s black women as mere cogs in a machine to keep other Americans fed.

This is the same media that supports anti-police movements while simultaneously feigning concern for Secret Service agents when Trump briefly emerged from Walter Reed on Sunday to show the world that America’s president was hanging in there:

But despite the establishment media’s best efforts, the two candidates are having remarkably different afternoons.

Trump has talked the talk about the pandemic, and now he’s walked the walk.

The president, who is unfairly called the racist, is the leader who would not ask you to do something that he himself is not willing to do.

Trump has championed confidence and faith amid an unprecedented health crisis, while Biden peddled lies, fear and subtle racism from relative safety.

Monday afternoon, Trump is preparing to leave the hospital after contracting the virus.

Biden’s afternoon has been marred by another racial controversy.

Trump has actually experienced the virus that has devastated lives, and he previously brought black unemployment to its lowest level ever.

Biden is still an out-of-touch career politician, and in his mind — one could conclude — Trump’s record on minority jobs kept him from going hungry all these months.

Who’s the racist?

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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