
Experts: Iran Has 18x More Enriched Uranium Than Obama Deal Allowed, Nukes Now 'Weeks Away'


Iran is on the cusp of having all the materials to build its first nuclear weapon, thanks in large part to the disastrous 2015 Iran nuclear deal negotiated by then-President Barack Obama and then-Vice President Joe Biden.

Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz sounded the alarm during a May 17 speech at the Institute of Policy and Strategy at Reichman University in Israel.

“It stands just a few weeks away from accumulating fissile material that will be sufficient for a first bomb, holds 60 kg of enriched material at 60%, produces metallic uranium at the enrichment level of 20%, and prevents the [International Atomic Energy Agency] from accessing its facilities,” Gantz said, as reported by the Times of Israel.

The Islamic republic is also trying to “complete the production and installation of 1,000 advanced IR6 centrifuges at its nuclear facilities” and is building a new underground lab near its Natanz nuclear enrichment complex, Gantz warned.

These assertions contradict the repeated claims by Iran — the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism — that it never had any intention of developing nuclear weapons.

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According to the IAEA, Iran has accumulated a stockpile of enriched uranium that is 18 times over the limit stipulated in the 2015 nuclear deal, Fox News reported Tuesday.

In the lopsided Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, Obama lifted economic sanctions that had crippled Iran financially for decades, unfroze $150 billion in assets and gave Iran $400 million in cash.

In 2018, then-President Donald Trump pulled out of the JCPOA, slamming the deal as dangerous and stupid.


“It was the single worst deal ever,” Trump told the New York Post in May 2017. “It’s a disgrace that a deal like that was even signed. It made Iran a power from a country that was ready to fall apart.”

He added, “Iran won’t honor its deal. Instead of saying, ‘Thank you very much for saving our country,’ they’ve been emboldened.”

Now, in addition to being on the verge of becoming a nuclear power, it appears Iran has been lying to the international community about its intentions and activities.

Iran has been building its nuclear weapon capacity for years, using the massive cash flow it scored from Obama’s inane JCPOA.

In 2017, Michael Rubin, a former Pentagon adviser, told The Washington Free Beacon that Iran played the United States for fools under Obama.

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This is exactly what Iran did between 1998 and 2005 when it profited from a lucrative trade deal with the European Union.

“Obama and [former Secretary of State John] Kerry might as well have wired the money directly into the accounts of those seeking to enhance Iran’s military, kill Sunnis, or sponsor terrorism,” Rubin told the Beacon.

Another Pentagon insider agreed, telling the outlet: “An Iranian military buildup coupled with an offensive posture is a threat to the United States and our allies. This also serves as an important reminder of why the cash infusion to Iran under the Obama-Biden administration was so dangerous.”

These kinds of calamitous decisions are precisely why even some former Obama officials have been critical of his weak approach to foreign adversaries.

“Obama had the capability, but not the will [to retaliate against our enemies],” Barry Pavel told Fox News in 2017.

Pavel, who was a senior director on the National Security Council from 2008 to 2010, added: “Obama left a more dangerous world.”

And now, Obama’s acolyte, Biden, is in the White House doing the same thing.

As the world grows more unstable by the day on Biden’s watch, the groundwork for this chaos has been building ever since he was Obama’s vice president.

Recall that the 79-year-old career politician has repeatedly bragged about his foreign policy prowess.

“I’ve been dealing with foreign policy for longer than anybody that’s involved in this process right now,” he declared during his March trip to NATO Headquarters in Brussels.

Meanwhile, U.S. “allies” such as Saudi Arabia don’t take Biden’s calls, the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries refused his requests to increase oil output, migrants from Central and South America invade our borders daily, and Iran is blowing off Biden as he tries to ink another inept nuclear deal with the terrorist nation.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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