
WHO Creating New UN-Style Super-Government? Could Take Control, in Some Cases 'Wherever Necessary'


Love it or hate it, millions of U.S. citizens voted to have Joe Biden as their president. They chose him.

But who chose the World Health Organization? Who — no pun intended — voted it in? I didn’t. The writer sitting next to me didn’t; I just asked him. You probably didn’t either.

Yet according to the WHO’s latest white paper, the organization is proposing the creation of a “Global Health Emergency Council” and “World Health Assembly Committee for Emergencies.”

The WHO proposed the establishment of a “high-level” council that would oversee global medical emergencies. Composed of heads of state and international leaders, the Global Health Emergency Council would be “linked to and aligned with the constitution and governance of WHO.”

The document goes on.

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

This council would address “obstacles to equitable and effective [health emergency preparedness, response and resilience].” It would also “ensure collective, whole of government and whole of society action, aligned with global health emergency goals, priorities and policies” and “foster compliance with and adherence to global health norms and policies.”

How exactly would it “ensure” collective whole-of-government and whole-of-society action? What’s an “obstacle” to HEPR? And what if the whole of American society doesn’t agree with the council’s goals, priorities and policies?

Unfortunately, the WHO forgot to include an FAQ section for skeptical Americans.

Another worrying part of this document is “surveillance.” The document is 31 pages long and the word appears 48 times.


One of the more alarming excerpts from the document states, “COVID-19 has shown that resilience to health emergencies can be strengthened in key areas. … This will require the strengthening and, where required, the establishment of whole-of-society, interdisciplinary, multi-partner networks for collaborative surveillance.”

That’s not concerning at all. Thermometers and sensors in the homes of every American, perhaps? Liberals will undoubtedly gobble this up, but the more patriotic would rather fly an al-Qaida flag in their front yards.

The WHO also has an interesting take on the “infodemic of COVID-19 misinformation.” Apparently, because of COVID-19, the American people’s trust in “public health authorities and science” has been eroded. This, of course, has “undermined the effectiveness of public health and social measures and the demand for countermeasures such as vaccines.”

Not to worry, the WHO has us covered; it will save us from the infodemic. “New techniques for infodemic management can counteract some of the corrosive effects of misinformation on public trust in science and authorities.”

“These strategies must go beyond generic public messages and must be tailored wherever necessary especially to at risk groups and sub-populations to ensure the inclusion of all communities, including those who are digitally excluded.”

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

Now, the WHO is a little fuzzy on how it will accomplish this. But I am sure as long as we don’t question what they say, or doubt the efficacy of their pandemic countermeasures, such as vaccines, we’ll be perfectly safe with our heads in the sand.

Furthermore, the WHO seems to imply that the governments it controls will have powers rivaling those of the Most High. They can apparently ensure our health and well-being at all times.

“At the national level governments should be supported to invest in and co-ordinate risk communication and infodemic management policies and strategies that ensure health and well being at all times,” the document stated.

But what is it that the WHO really wants? It reveals its true agenda about halfway through the document.

“Finally, it is clear that at the heart of the HEPR architecture, the world needs a strengthened WHO, with the authority, financing and accountability to effectively fulfill its unique mandate as the directing and coordinating authority on international health work,” the document states.

“A strengthened WHO,” yes, that’s just what the world needs.

In a pandemic, it is necessary to take measures to prevent the spread of disease. This disease of the remorseless exploitation of catastrophes is no different.

If not contained, we’ll long for the days when The Who was just a British rock band getting kicked out of trashed hotel rooms.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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