
Food Shortages Rocking Locked-Down Chinese City, Populace Defiantly Shouting from Isolation


The government-imposed lockdown on the Chinese city of Shanghai has led to food shortages and protests by residents demanding something to eat.

Some protests have taken the form of residents going out on the balconies of their apartments banging on pots and pans and begging for enough attention to be fed, France24 reported.

“We want supplies,” the quarantined resident called out, according on a Twitter post included in the report that has since been deleted.

Some in Shanghai have taken to the streets.

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China’s government sent a drone aloft telling those who want food to stop the demonstrations.


“Please comply with COVID restrictions. Control your soul’s desire for freedom. Do not open the window or sing,” the drone broadcast, according to the New York Post.

Shanghai has been under various forms of COVID-19 lockdown since April 5.

In theory, the lockdown was supposed to end last week, but Chinese officials have said they will extend it until all 26 million people in Shanghai are tested for the virus. Lockdowns at first covered half the city at a time but now have been imposed citywide.

Despite the rules, Newsweek reported that a new subtype of the omicron variant has been found in the city of Suzhou, less than 50 miles from Shanghai.

The government edicts mean that no one can go outside except to be tested

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That means most Shanghai residents need to order whatever food or water they need, and exist on government-supplied vegetables, meat, and eggs, according to the BBC.

However, those are not being delivered fast enough to keep everyone fed.

Shanghai resident Lucy Lu, 41, said she and her parents had only received one food package in the past 20 days, the New York Post reported, citing the Financial Times.

The government has admitted some little flaws in its plans, according to the BBC.

“It is true there are some difficulties in ensuring the supply of daily necessities,” said Liu Min, the deputy director of the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce, according to the BBC.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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