
Majority of Democrats Would Flee the Country If Put Into Similar Situation as Ukraine, Poll Reveals


If the United States were invaded in the same way that Ukraine is currently being attacked by Russia, would your neighbors stand and fight with you to fend off the enemy?

If your neighbors are Democrats, don’t be so sure.

According to recent polling from Quinnipiac University, while a majority of Americans would stay and fight rather than leave the country, a majority of Democrats would opt to flee.

In a poll conducted among 1,374 adults between March 4 and 6, as the invasion of Ukraine saw the end of its second week, respondents were asked “If you were in the same position as Ukrainians are now, do you think that you would stay and fight or leave the country?”

Overall, 55 percent of Americans said they would stay and fight, while 38 percent said they would leave the country, and 7 percent either didn’t know or didn’t respond.

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

However, out of Democrats, 52 percent said they would leave the country, 40 percent said they would stay and fight, and 8 percent were unsure.

Out of Republicans, 68 percent said they would stay and fight, while just 25 percent said they would stay leave, and 6 percent were unsure.

Most independents appear to have a fighting spirit as well; 57 percent said they would stay and fight, while just 36 percent said they would leave, and 7 percent were unsure.

Also worthy of note: 70 percent of men overall said they’d stay and fight, while just 24 percent said they’d leave; but only 40 percent of women said they would stay and fight while 52 percent said they would leave.


What’s particularly noteworthy about this poll is that the American left has been more than eager to throw its full support behind the Ukrainian civilians taking up arms to fend off the foreign invaders.

But when it comes to defending their own homeland?

They’d be the first ones fleeing across the border.


While the American right is, in many ways, experiencing a bit of an identity crisis as it scrambles to make sense of the invasion of a country that has long been tied to deep-seated deep state corruption, there’s no doubt that it’s been invigorating, humbling, and inspiring to witness Ukrainian civilians and politicians alike taking up arms to defend their homeland.

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

Those of us who make it a point to keep our own personal arsenals well-stocked so as to be prepared in the event of criminal home intrusion, government tyranny, or even foreign invasion, can easily identify with the Ukrainians willing to stay and fight.

Yet how many Americans who rushed to deck out their social media profiles with pro-Ukrainian emojis and hashtags and have been fawning over Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and the armed Ukrainian populace not only wouldn’t do the same for their own country, but vote for politicians who promise to disarm their own neighbors?

There literally wouldn’t be a United States of America to defend if these people had made up the majority back in colonial days — you may recall what happened at Lexington and Concord in 1775 when the British military tried to disarm colonists who were standing up for their rights.

Can you imagine what would have happened if cowardice, instead of courage, had ruled the American colonies then?

One shudders to think.

We can only thank the good Lord that’s not how it went down, and we have such a glorious country to defend.

We do, however, need to seriously pray that more Americans wake up to what it might take to defend such a country were it ever invaded, or our country might not last for very long.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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