
Gen. Flynn Smacks Down Latest Attack Targeting Him: This 'Is a Flat-Out Lie'


Former national security advisor Gen. Michael Flynn issued a fiery statement Tuesday, calling out establishment media outlets for lying about him.

“After more than five years, the barrage of attacks on me and my family perpetuates to this day with the latest fake news,” Flynn wrote.

On Monday, Axios reported President Joe Biden denied a request from Flynn to invoke executive privilege to shield Flynn from the investigation by the House of Representatives’ Jan. 6 Committee.

“The move will likely force Flynn and Navarro to make a choice: cooperate with the select committee or face potential criminal referral from Congress to the Department of Justice,” Axios reported.

But in his statement, Flynn said this reporting deliberately mischaracterized his actions.

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“For the record, it is a flat-out lie that I asked for executive privilege from the so-called January 6 Committee,” Flynn wrote. “I made no such request. And, it is a flat-out lie that I had anything to do with any person or organization who intended to act, or who acted, unlawfully on January 6.”

According to The Washington Post, while Flynn’s lawyer David A. Warrington did confirm Flynn received the letter, he said his client never requested executive privilege in the first place.

“I do not know whether your letter was prompted by some event, information received, a request by a third-party, or if it is simply the type of letter the White House Counsel’s Office is sending to all former Executive Branch employees who have received such a subpoena,” Warrington wrote to deputy White House counsel Jonathan C. Su.

“We certainly did not ask for such a letter, nor did we ask for the White House’s position on Executive Privilege or the White House’s opinion on whether Lt. General Flynn should appear at the commanded deposition.”


Flynn has fought accusations connecting him to Jan. 6 for months. In May 2021, he denied allegations that he advocated for a Myanmar-style coup in the United States.

According to the Washington Examiner, an attendee of the “For God & Country Patriot Roundup” in Dallas, Texas, asked Flynn why a coup could not occur in the U.S, just like it did in Myanmar.

“No reason, I mean, it should happen here,” Flynn responded.

Flynn said the establishment media twisted his response to mean exactly the opposite of what he was trying to say, and they subsequently used that reasoning to suggest he supported violence on Jan. 6.

“I am no stranger to media manipulating my words and, therefore, let me repeat my response to a question asked at the conference: There is no reason it (a coup) should happen here (in America),” Flynn said, according to the Examiner.

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In his statement on Tuesday, Flynn took further aim at the establishment media lies.

“In fact, I have condemned the violence and vandalism that occurred at the Capitol on January 6,” Flynn said. “Yet, media propagandists and their co-conspirators have no bounds or decency when it comes to spreading lies and conjured-up smears about me. Their hatred for America is fierce.”

“Their vicious attacks on Americans who exercise their God-given Constitutional right to speak freely and question the policies and direction of this country is flagrant and repugnant.”

There has been no credible evidence linking Flynn to violence on Jan. 6, but the partisan House committee continues to pursue a witch hunt for any and all Trump allies. Flynn is not going to take their baseless attacks lying down.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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