
'The Real POTUS': Sea of Patriots Give Trump a Presidents Day Welcome He'll Never Forget - Video


With the looming Ukraine crisis, rising gas prices and historically low presidential approval ratings, many Americans were feeling rather embittered this Presidents Day, finding little to celebrate by way of White House occupants in 2022.

Some Americans, however, decided to treat their favorite president to a boisterous celebration — regardless of the fact that he’s no longer in office.

As former President Donald Trump enjoyed a few rounds at his West Palm Beach, Florida, golf course on Monday to mark the occasion, what looked like scores of enthusiastic supporters showed up to wish him well.

Sporting massive “Trump Won” flags, popping MAGA regalia and American flags galore, the crowd shouted “We want Trump!” as they cheered and blew air horns.

The former president waved and pumped his fist in the air in response; he’s always in his element in front of a MAGA crowd of any size.

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It’s clear whom Trump supporters were celebrating on Presidents Day: the man many believe should still rightly be in office and, as one man in the loudspeaker shouted, the man they hope will soon return to the White House.


This appears to be a new tradition for Trump supporters; an equally enthusiastic and notably massive crowd showed up outside Mar-a-Lago on President’s Day last year to show their support, right on the heels of his second impeachment acquittal and just over a month after he left the White House.

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

Trump might be hated by a great many powerful and influential people, but there’s no denying he has a vibrant and enthusiastic base that hasn’t been deterred by any of the relentless attacks that have shrouded his political career and its legacy.

And they bring the same enthusiasm to their equally emphatic, real-world trolling of current President Joe Biden, who apparently can’t go out in public without being greeted with chants of “Let’s go, Brandon.”

And for Presidents Day this year, Biden was playing world leader in Washington as he handled (if you can call it that) Russian President Vladimir Putin’s overtures in Ukraine.

Americans still remember how he handled the last military crisis in Afghanistan, and between what they’re paying at the pump and what the Biden administration wants to pay to enable crack cocaine addiction, something tells me there weren’t a lot of enthusiastic crowds gathering on Pennsylvania Avenue on Monday.

As we look back on another Presidents Day, let’s pray our country can keep it together until we get a better one.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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