
Video: Lifelong Democrat Betrays McAuliffe, Party, Says She Knows of Many 'Dems for Glenn'


If Republican Glenn Youngkin’s upset momentum carries him to victory in the Virginia race for governor, he’ll have voters like Saundra Davis to thank.

Davis, described by Fox News as a “lifelong Democrat,” appeared “Fox & Friends First” on Tuesday to describe how former Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, a Democrat, had alienated Old Dominion voters.

And set the stage for a political showdown in Virginia that could stop President Joe Biden’s agenda in its tracks.

Simply put, Davis said, McAuliffe — a confidant of Bill and Hillary Clinton — had taken the governor’s race for granted.

By contrast, she said, the Youngkin campaign has made education issues, a concern of parents everywhere, a key part of its strategy.

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Check out part of the interview here:

“I have a whole group of Dems for Glenn, and when people hear that they think that we’re Russian trolls or dark propaganda, but we’re real parents,” Davis said.


“And Terry McAuliffe thought he would stroll into Virginia and take this election easily, and when he figured out that he wasn’t going to, he kept bringing in more and more outsiders. But Glenn kept listening to parents. He didn’t need outside help, he was himself, and here we are. Today is the big day.”

Tuesday isn’t just a big day in the Commonwealth of Virginia, where the polls were set to close at 7 p.m. Eastern.

Coming a year after Biden won the state by 10 points in the presidential election, election day in Virginia is being viewed as a referendum on the Biden administration so far.

Considering that that administration has been a disaster from literally its first day — when Biden canceled the Keystone XL pipeline and issued the first of a series of executive orders aimed at overturning the rational approach former President Donald Trump used to impose order on the southern border — a referendum that turned into a rebuke would be richly deserved on any number of fronts.

But for Davis and voters like her, the key issue is the arrogance shown by McAuliffe — and his party as a whole — when it comes to the elemental issue of public school education. And if the Virginia vote goes against McAuliffe, Republicans would be wise to remember that lesson in the 2022 midterms.

Virginia, of course, has become ground zero in a national cultural battle over parents’ rights to oversee their children’s schooling.

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During a gubernatorial debate, McAuliffe set himself up as the spokesman for the progressive establishment asserting its dominance when he declared:

“I’m not going to let parents come into schools and actually take books out and make their own decision. I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.”

As it turns out, a lot of parents think they should have a say. After watching public schools being used as pawns by teachers unions in the coronavirus pandemic, and the persecution of parents opposed to school district policies on transgender students and the graphic contents of some of the literature being made available to their children, they decided it was time to fight back.

“Because we put our children first, and when the schools were closed, we started watching the school board meetings and we started trying to make comments,” Davis told “Fox & Friends First.”

“And we tried to start presenting them with science to reopen the schools and they ignored us, mocked us, made the time shorter that we were able to speak at these meetings, and we weren’t having it. We’re not having it.”

“We’re not having it” sums up the attitude of millions of American voters to the actions of the Biden administration so far. (Possibly even better than the more-rambunctious “Let’s go Brandon” slogan currently making the rounds of politics and song.)

“We’re not having” a country where millions of illegal immigrants can enter with impunity. “We’re not having” a country that by right is the leader of the free world taking the role of international embarrassment instead.

“We’re not having” an economy that is slipping further and further from the heights it enjoyed under the Trump administrations thanks to a series of self-inflicted wounds created by a leftist Democratic ascendancy.

That’s the message of opposition to McAuliffe and other Democrats on the ballot on Tuesday. (New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy is also up for re-election.)

Youngkin’s strength has been growing in recent polls, and if it carries him across the finish line, it’s going to be disenchanted Democrats who are going to be the key — the “secret weapon” of the Youngkin campaign.

A Republican victory in Virginia would ripple far beyond the state’s borders, delivering the message that Americans unhappy with the direction of the Biden administration are more than willing to flex their muscles at the ballot box to prove it.

But the fact that the race is as close as it is sends a message all by itself.

“We’re not having it,” as Davis said.

We’re not having it at all.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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