
Poll: Republicans Show Largest Lead Over Dems In 'Dealing With the Economy' Ever Recorded Going Back to 1991


The Republican Party jumped out to the largest advantage ever recorded over Democrats when it comes to handling the economy in a newly released NBC News poll.

This finding, along with others contained in the survey, may bode well for the GOP’s prospects in the 2022 midterms.

The poll, conducted in late October, showed Republicans with an 18 percentage point lead in “dealing with the economy.”

By way of comparison, the Democratic Party held the same 18 point advantage in January 2008, before going on to wrest the presidency and the U.S. Senate from Republican hands.

The Democrats also gained 21 additional seats in the House, where they had already taken back control during the 2006 midterms.

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It should be noted the GOP had a 14 point advantage on handling the economy in Oct. 2018 but still took a shellacking in the midterms, losing 40 seats with Republican Donald Trump in the White House.


The 18-point lead Republicans currently enjoy is the highest for the party going back to 1991, when NBC News first began asking the question.

When asked directly about next year’s congressional midterms, 45 percent of respondents said they want Republicans to take control, while 47 percent said they wanted Democrats to retain it.

However, Republicans enjoy an 11 point enthusiasm advantage over Democrats, 69 percent to 58 percent expressing a high level of interest, NBC News reported.

It is not just the economy that the GOP holds a significant advantage over Democrats.

Dealing with border security, the Republicans are at plus-27 percentage points; crime, plus-22 points; national security, plus-21 points; controlling inflation, plus-24 points; and immigration, plus-9 points.

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Democrats outpace Republicans in election security, plus-1 points; dealing with voting rights, plus-5 points; abortion, plus-10 points; education, plus-10 points; dealing with the coronavirus, plus-12 points; and climate change, plus-24 points.


Americans, by a wide margin, are dissatisfied with the current direction of the country with 7 in 10 respondents (71 percent), including nearly half of Democrats polled (48 percent), saying the U.S. is “off on the wrong track.”

Further, just 42 percent approve of President Joe Biden’s job performance and 54 percent disapprove.

Biden’s approval number is down 7 percentage points, and his disapproval is up 6 percentage points since August.

The change comes after the chaotic and deadly pull out in Afghanistan, rising inflation, slowing economic growth and disappointing September jobs numbers.

Gallup reported last week that the 46th president’s approval rating dropped from 56 percent in the first quarter of this year to 44.7 percent in the third quarter, an 11.3 percent drop — the largest registered by any president since World War II.

The NBC News poll was conducted from Oct. 23-26 with 1,000 U.S. adults. The margin of error is +/- 3.1 percent.

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