
Hat Tip: Hunter Biden's Art Dealer Could Be Cozier with the First Family Than Anyone Thought


President Joe Biden and his minions repeatedly claim that only the art dealer, George Bergès, will know the identity of those who purchase Hunter Biden’s paintings.

According to The Daily Mail, social media users spotted an Instagram photo of Berges sporting an unusual accessory — a Camp David hat.

The photo was posted by Bergès‘ friend, gossip columnist George Wayne, with the caption, “Were you at Camp David last weekend with your artist Hunter Biden???!!!”

Wayne added: “GB shows up wearing a fabulous cap emblazoned with the Presidential seal and the words Camp David Presidential Retreat 46 all over it.”

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The Daily Mail noted that Wayne has a reputation for “tongue-in-cheek posts” — so there’s no way to be certain how seriously this was intended. (There’s also no way to know that the hat couldn’t have been a gift that had nothing to do with a trip to Camp David, or even picked up at a street corner kiosk, for that matter.)

However, as the saying goes, “many a truth is said in jest,” and if Bergès hat is a memento of an actual visit to the presidential retreat in the Catoctin Mountains of Marylands — or even just a gift from Hunter — it would indicate an intimacy of acquaintanceship that is not a good sign considering this is the man who’s who’s supposed to be the separation between the Bidens and Hunter’s art patrons.

(The fact that there have already been plenty of warning signs about that the Bergès-Biden connection doesn’t help.)


The Daily Mail reported that the photo was posted just two days before Bergès’ exhibition of Hunter’s paintings opened at his gallery in New York City’s SoHo neighborhood on Saturday.

Considering the anticipated price tags for Hunter’s works, concerns that buyers will be getting more for their money than simply a painting are valid.

The New York Post reported in early October that five of Hunter’s prints — as in reproductions of his paintings — had sold for $75,000 each. It’s possible that some of Hunter’s original paintings could fetch as much as $500,000, a pretty lofty price for the work of an amateur. (And an amateur who not all that long ago, by most accounts, was likely more interested in having a drug dealer than an art dealer.)

Is it possible that Bergès was able to drive up the prices by tossing in a little access to the president? Maybe even dropping in a casual reference to a Camp David visit somewhere along the line?

Just asking for a friend.

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Hunter Biden has leveraged his relationship to his father before. His position as a director on the board of Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings comes to mind, as does the elder Biden’s meeting with Mexican billionaires whom Hunter was courting for a business deal in 2015, when Joe Biden was the vice president.

After the emails on his abandoned laptop were revealed by the Post in October 2020, we learned more about the extent of Hunter’s influence-peddling. The emails even implicated then-candidate Joe Biden, a.k.a “The Big Guy” himself.

With all that in mind, even the possibility that Hunter’s art dealer has actually spent time at Camp David makes White House press secretary Jen Psaki’s statements that the president will never know the identity of Hunter’s customers even more laughable than they already are.

On Saturday, The New York Post reported on the surprise opening of the Biden exhibition — with admission by appointment only.

Who showed up at the gallery? Hunter’s wife, Melissa Cohen. In yet one more sign of the Biden family’s closeness with Bergès, the Post described a warm embrace between the two when she arrived. A photograph of Cohen and Berges conveyed an unmistakable sense of both fondness and familiarity.

According to the article, a large sign hanging inside the gallery said, “ ‘The Journey Home’ a Hunter Biden Solo Exhibition.” Beneath the title was a quote from writer Joseph Campbell’s book “The Hero with a Thousand Faces.” Campbell, the report said, is the man behind the phrase “Follow your bliss,” for what it’s worth.

A reporter from the Post tried to walk into the gallery and was turned away by Bergès himself, who said, “You can’t just walk in here. This is a private place. I don’t just walk into your house. I’m going to have to talk to your mother. She didn’t raise you right.”

Does anybody honestly believe that Berges will conceal the identities of the buyers from the Bidens? Given the family’s history of corruption and the expected prices of the paintings, there is every reason to believe that buyers will be getting a little more than just a piece of art.

And more than a souvenir hat, too.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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