
69% of Hispanics Disapprove of Biden's Handling of Immigration, Majority Say Not Competent President


A new poll released Wednesday found that 69 percent of Hispanics surveyed disapprove of President Joe Biden’s handling of immigration.

The Quinnipiac pollsters reported just 23 percent approved of his immigration policies.

Those numbers are worse than the general population where 67 percent disapproved of Biden’s handling of immigration and 25 percent approved.

Regarding his handling of the U.S./Mexico border specifically, just 24 percent of Hispanics approved, and 68 disapproved.

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A majority of Hispanics — 60 percent — said that the Biden Administration is not competent in running the government, while 36 percent believed that in general it was.

Again, these numbers were starker for the president than among the general population, in which 55 percent see the administration as incompetent and 42 percent competent.


Just 38 percent of Americans approve of Biden‘s handling of the presidency overall, his lowest number with Quinnipiac since taking office.

Among Hispanics, 42 percent approve and 51 percent disapprove.

The Federalist senior editor Mollie Hemingway noted that Quinnipiac has a history of polling Democrats more favorably than found to be true.

“Quinnipiac claimed [Sen.] Lindsey Graham was tied in his Senate race (he won by >10) and that [Sen. Susan] Collins would lose by 12 (she won by 9). For them to give these APOCALYPTIC numbers for Biden means they must be, somehow, far, far worse,” Hemingway tweeted.

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Exit polls last November showed that Biden carried Hispanics nationwide by approximately a 2-to-1 margin, though former President Donald Trump made significant inroads among the demographic, according to The New York Times.

Some of the latter’s biggest gains were in South Florida and in the southern counties of Texas near the border.

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton carried Miami-Dade County, which is about 70 percent Hispanic or Latino, by 30 percentage points in 2016, but Biden clung on to it by just over 7 percentage points, which was not what he needed to win the state overall.

In Texas, Trump won Zapata County — which is in the Rio Grande Valley along the border and made up of nearly 95 percent Hispanic or Latino voters — by 5 percentage points in 2020, Time reported.

A Republican presidential candidate had not won the county since 1920.

“At least four other South Texas counties that are majority Hispanic and Latino — La Salle, Jim Wells, Kenedy and Kleberg — also flipped from Clinton to Trump,” according to Time.

The Quinnipiac poll was conducted from October 1st – 4th, surveying 1,326 U.S. adults nationwide with a margin of error of +/- 2.7 percentage points.

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