
Taliban Offers to Open Diplomatic Relations with America, Unclear What Biden Will Do with Request


A message from the leader of the Taliban claims to seek good relations with the United States once American forces have left Afghanistan, where they have battled the Taliban for the past 20 years.

The offer was contained in a message from Taliban supreme leader Hibatullah Akhundzada posted on the official Twitter account of Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid that was framed as a message linked to the upcoming Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha.

“We seek good and strong diplomatic, economic and political relations in the framework of reciprocal interaction and mutual agreements with all world countries including America following the withdrawal of all foreign forces, and consider such beneficial for all sides,” the message said.

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President Joe Biden has said that America will complete its troop withdrawal from Afghanistan by the end of August. As the U.S. has begin leaving, the Taliban has gained ground repeatedly.

Biden has said that he will not abandon the U.S.-backed government of Afghanistan. The U.S. has not yet issued a reply to the message.


The message also claimed to want to a political settlement to the Afghan conflict.

“In spite of the military gains and advances, the Islamic Emirate strenuously favors a political settlement in the country,” the message said, using the Taliban’s official name for itself.

The statement was released as delegations of the Afghan government and the Taliban continued to meet in Qatar to discuss a settlement, according to the AP.

“We have opened a Political Office for ease of negotiations and political track, have appointed an authoritative negotiations team and are committed to finding a resolution through talks on our part, but unfortunately, the opposition parties are still wasting time,” the message said.

Some scoffed at the statement.

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The statement said the Taliban will leave the rest of the world alone as long as the world does the same to its turf.

“We fully assure neighboring, regional and world countries that Afghanistan will not permit anyone to pose a security threat to any other country using our soil. And we similarly urge other countries to refrain from all interference in our own internal affairs,” the statement added.

Although many nations have evacuated diplomats as Taliban armies advance, the message said that “all foreign diplomats, embassies, consulates, humanitarian organizations and investors” should be assured that “they will not face any problems from our side, rather we will exert all efforts for their protection and security.”

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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