
Black Lives Matter Organizer Arrested for Allegedly Assaulting Police Officers


A Black Lives Matter organizer was arrested in Johnson County, Iowa, on Tuesday.

University of Iowa police arrested the organizer, Matthew Bruce, 24, and charged him with nine felony counts of assault with intent to injure a peace officer and one count of interfering with official acts.

The assaults occurred during a demonstration outside the university president’s residence.

According to criminal complaints acquired by KCRG-TV, Bruce pointed a laser beam light into the eyes of multiple police officers during the demonstration.

Several officers needed medical treatment following the incident.

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When officers approached Bruce and asked him to stop, the Black Lives Matter organizer ran away, according to the report. He was arrested later that night.

This was the fourth time in recent months that Bruce has been arrested, according to the Iowa City Press-Citizen.


In June, he was accused of vandalizing a police patrol car and later voluntarily turned himself into Des Moines police on first-degree criminal mischief charges.

In July, Bruce was charged with interference of official acts with bodily injury, two counts of assault of a peace officer and disorderly conduct.

In August, the BLM organizer was again charged with interfering with official acts when he allegedly ordered a group of followers to block off police detectives who were assigned to monitor a protest against a Des Moines City Council member.

On Tuesday, after Bruce’s latest arrest, Des Moines Black Lives Matter asked its Facebook followers to donate to the group’s bail fund.

“Free all political prisoners. Donate to the bail fund,” the post said, providing links for contributions.

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Black Lives Matter groups and supporters have been criticized for bailing out rioters, looters and other individuals committing criminal acts during the nationwide demonstrations that followed the May 25 death of George Floyd in Minneapolis police custody.

The Black Lives Matter protests were reignited following the Aug. 23 police shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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