
Watch BLM Founder Praise Book by Comparing It to Communist Mao's Manifesto


A vintage look back at a founder of the Black Lives Matter movement gives ammunition to those who liken the initials “BLM” to Black Liberal Marxists.

The website National Pulse last week unearthed a  2010 video that showed Patrice Cullors, one of the founders of Black Lives Matter, promoting a book called “The Seven Components Of Transformative Organizing Theory” by Eric Mann.

Mann was a member of the radical 1960s group The Weather Underground,  which was linked to bombings of government and law enforcement targets, according to  The Daily Caller.

“I was speaking to this young person … he grabbed a book and he said, ‘It’s like Mao’s Red Book,'” she said.

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The Little Red Book was a collection of sayings by Mao Zedong, and was required reading during China’s deadly Cultural Revolution when universities were shuttered.

“And I was like, man, that’s what I was thinking, and it was just really cool to hear him make that connection, and I was like how about you buy like 10 to 15 of these books and you all have like a youth organizing group where you talk about it and you really try to engage this … We need to build off of this.”

“I think I have a really important role in speaking to youth. Maybe it’s because I came in the movement at 17 … so I have just a knack for knowing how to organize young people into this organization and kind of teach them this politic,” Cullors said, according to the Daily Caller.

It clearly doesn’t bother Cullors or others, like the young man she talked about, that Mao was one of the most murderous tyrants in history, amassing a body count of and estimated 40 to 80 million Chinese during his bloody reign, according to a 1994 article in The Washington Post.

That’s comparable to, or far surpassing the deaths attributed to the 20th century’s other great mass killers — Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin.

Last year, Breitbart unearthed a 2015 video in which Cullors talked about the ideology behind Black Lives Matter.

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“The first thing, I think, is that we actually do have an ideological frame. Myself and Alicia in particular are trained organizers,” she said, referring to the BLM co-founder Alicia Garza.

“We are trained Marxists. We are super-versed on, sort of, ideological theories. And I think that what we really tried to do is build a movement that could be utilized by many, many black folk,” she said then.

Last year, as Black Lives Matter protests swelled, some noted that the organization had a past that was built on more than the memory of George Floyd.

“[T]he leaders of the Black Lives Matter organizations fueling this summer’s disturbances were trained by self-described Marxist revolutionaries who have long used the plight of black Americans as justification for overthrowing America’s constitutional order,” noted Mike Gonzalez in a column posted on the City Journal.


“They frankly admit that such ‘organizing’ is the key to their goal of world revolution. Our political leaders owe it to themselves and to their fellow Americans to understand this blueprint before rhetorically embracing, let alone implementing, the radical changes that the protesters and rioters are demanding,” he wrote.

Cullors has recently been in the news for what to many appeared the actions of a capitalist — acquiring several multi-million-dollar homes.

“Cullors recently purchased a $1.4 million home in Topanga Canyon, California, with a white population of 88.2 percent and a black population of 0.4 percent, according to the 2010 census.”

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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