
Videos Catch Kenosha Protesters Shout 'Death to America' and 'Kill the F***ing Police'


Another city is burning this week as America-hating anarchists riot under the guise of fighting racial injustice and police brutality.

This time, it’s happening in Kenosha, Wisconsin, where violence erupted in the streets after police shot 29-year-old Jacob Blake on Sunday.

The exact circumstances are still unclear, though initial video evidence shows that police, who were were responding to the scene of a domestic disturbance call, shot Blake after he apparently ignored their commands, walked toward his vehicle and appeared to reach inside of it.

That evening, before the facts were out or another video angle examined, Kenosha became the latest urban war zone.

Each night since, the city has been under attack from violent mobs seeking to destroy lives and property while spewing hatred for America — so unlike the heroic freedom fighters the left makes these sorts of rioters out to be.

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Townhall journalist Julio Rosas was on the scene Tuesday evening, tweeting videos from the ground to show the reality of the situation.

One person ignited an American flag and tossed it — still flaming — over a hastily erected fence protecting the Kenosha County Courthouse. In the background, a woman could be heard screaming, “Death to America.”

WARNING: The following videos contain vulgar language that some viewers will find offensive:

Rosas also captured footage of a woman in the same vicinity holding an American flag while shouting, “Kill the f—ing police.”

And as if that wasn’t enough proof of the nature of these so-called protests, video footage showed the mob attacking the courthouse Portland-style, hurling projectiles at law enforcement stationed to protect it after trying to topple the fence.

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In a striking turn of events, Democratic Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers finally accepted help for his beleaguered city Wednesday, possibly because the left got the hint that the unrest might be hurting Democrats’ chances in the 2020 election.

“We will NOT stand for looting, arson, violence, and lawlessness on American streets,” President Donald Trump tweeted.

“My team just got off the phone with Governor Evers who agreed to accept federal assistance (Portland should do the same!),” he added. “TODAY, I will be sending federal law enforcement and the National Guard to Kenosha, WI to restore LAW and ORDER!”

Evers accepted this federal assistance after two people were shot dead amid riots, breaking from other leftists who decried the use of so-called “secret police” and rejected any efforts to stop the madness.


While Democratic politicians tacitly supported them, the riots that have been happening in American cities since George Floyd’s death in late May have decimated lives and property.

Flag-burning and the targeting of government buildings make it clear that rioters are not motivated by any desire for justice or equality. Rather, their actions reflect a profound hatred of America.

Perhaps this is why leftists and rioters get along so well — after all, they have a common enemy.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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