
Trump Slams Biden for Turning the Border from 'a National Triumph Into a National Disaster' in Just Weeks


Former President Donald Trump said America is being “destroyed” because of President Joe Biden’s immigration policies.

Trump issued the statement Sunday as a surge in illegal immigration has swamped facilities intended to hold migrants, especially those for children.

“We proudly handed the Biden Administration the most secure border in history. All they had to do was keep this smooth-running system on autopilot,” he said. “Instead, in the span of a just few weeks, the Biden Administration has turned a national triumph into a national disaster. They are in way over their heads and taking on water fast.”

Trump had particularly harsh words for Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, who made the rounds of news shows on Sunday saying the border is closed but children crossing it will not be expelled.

Mayorkas said the surge in illegal immigration is the fault of the Trump administration.

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“The pathetic, clueless performance of Secretary Mayorkas on the Sunday Shows today was a national disgrace,” Trump said. “His self-satisfied presentation — in the middle of the massive crisis he helped engineer — is yet more proof he is incapable of leading DHS.”

The former president noted that families detained at the border are being released into communities, essentially giving illegal immigrants entry into the U.S. regardless of what a policy on paper might say.


Fox News reported Sunday that Customs and Border Protection is considering releasing anyone who is caught and claims asylum without even bothering to give the person a notice to appear in court on the charge of illegally entering the U.S.

According to the report, a senior CBP source said the flood of migrants has “become so dire that [Border Patrol] has no choice but to release people nearly immediately after apprehension because there is no space to hold people even to do necessary NTA [Notice to Appear] paperwork.”

“Even someone of Mayorkas’ limited abilities should understand that if you provide Catch-and-Release to the world’s illegal aliens then the whole world will come,” Trump said.

The former president also pilloried the Biden administration for muzzling Border Patrol agents and Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers and preventing the media from seeing what goes on inside detention centers at the border.

“Furthermore, the Mayorkas Gag Order on our Nation’s heroic border agents and ICE officers should be the subject of an immediate congressional investigation,” he said. “But it’s clear they are engaged in a huge cover-up to hide just how bad things truly are.

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“The only way to end the Biden Border Crisis is for them to admit their total failure and adopt the profoundly effective, proven Trump policies.”

Trump said the Biden administration compounded its errors by stopping his border wall the day Joe Biden was sworn in as president.

“They must immediately complete the wall, which can be done in a matter of weeks — they should never have stopped it,” he said.

The former president said America is suffering serious wounds from Biden’s policies.

“They are causing death and human tragedy. In addition to the obvious, drugs are pouring into our country at record levels from the Southern Border, not to mention human and sex trafficking,” Trump said.

“This Administration’s reckless policies are enabling and encouraging crimes against humanity. Our Country is being destroyed!” he said.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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