
Flashback Video: Did Biden's Dog Learn to Bite Humans by Watching His Master?


Does anyone remember the time when now-President Joe Biden randomly and awkwardly started chowing down on his wife’s finger while she was speaking at a campaign stop in Iowa?

Thousands of moments during the 2020 election cycle made me feel uncomfortable, but this one probably took the cake.

Even if this is the first you’ve heard of it, it is now apparent that not only did Biden’s adopted German shepherd, Major, remember the nibble — he was taking quality notes.


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In a recent incident, the cantankerous canine was reported to have bitten a White House staffer — hard enough that the Bidens decided to move both Major and their other dog, Champ, to the family’s private home in Wilmington, Delaware.

While White House press secretary Jen Psaki reassured reporters the injury was not severe enough to warrant a hospital visit, the incident was at the very least concerning.

More than likely, Joe Biden did not teach Major how to bite people. But this incident does highlight the establishment media’s determination to ignore or explain away Biden’s gaffes.

Already, left-wing journalists have rushed to the dog’s defense:

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Can you imagine if former President Donald Trump had owned a dog that bit somebody? The establishment media probably would have called the dog an irredeemable monster that deserved to be put down.

Conservatives always knew that journalists would not try to take down Biden the way they do with almost every Republican, but it is still extremely unnerving to see the cover-up in real-time.

Furthermore, it is clear that Biden has no clue how to respond to gaffes and other perfectly reasonable human (or canine) errors. Inevitably, presidents are going to make mistakes from time to time, but how they respond to those mistakes can define their presidencies.

Former President George W. Bush would famously respond to his many slip-ups with class and humility. You can see some of them here:

But the media and administrative flurry after every Biden gaffe makes normal errors seem more like nefarious conspiracy theories. That isn’t healthy for any Republican society.

Even though I may be a conservative and a cat person, I genuinely hope that Major, Champ and the Biden administration as a whole find their footing. But doggone it, those hopes looks to be nothing more than that — hopes — at the moment.

I’d also appreciate it if Biden never publicly bit his wife again.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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