
American Adversaries Cruelly Mocking USA for Devastation in Texas


As President Joe Biden and his administration work double-time to curtail America’s foreign policy to appease the country’s adversaries, those adversaries are relishing the power outages in Texas this week’s historic winter storm.

More than four million Texans were left without power after a devastating winter storm exposed the weaknesses of green energy and tested the state’s aging and unprepared power grid.

Roughly two dozen people in the Lone Star State have died, and those deaths are presumed related to exposure to near sub-zero temperatures. While this country all too often spends taxpayer money to help embattled countries across the globe dealing with natural disasters, this week, as Americans languished, our countries foes seemed to relish it.

According to U.S. News & World Report, which has been monitoring the international reporting of the situation in Texas, reporters in China, Iran and Russia were quick to pounce on Biden and the country over the crisis, and they were anything but humanitarian.

The message was more or less that before America goes around nation-building, which was the favorite pastime of the Washington elite before former President Donald Trump crashed the party in 2016, we should get our own house in order.

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A spokesperson for Russian prime minister Vladimir Putin took a shot at the struggles of Texans in a media statement.

“It probably makes sense for our American partners to be less interested in [Russia’s Baltic pipeline Nord Stream 2] and to a greater extent be interested in the events in Houston, Texas, [its] energy and heat supply,” said Dmitry Peskov on Thursday.

In another slam at Texas pride in its vast energy industry, he added: “Of course, gas [supplies] would not be in that way here.”

Iran’s state media also seemed to enjoy watching American citizens struggle. U.S. News & World Report noted the country’s media seemed to celebrate with numerous images of Texans struggling on its homepage.


“More Than 3.5 Million Texans Are STILL Without Power, Storm Death Toll Hits 23,” that report was headlined. The country with eyes for nuclear weapons that the Obama/Biden administration paid cash to apparently hasn’t reevaluated its hatred for Americans since Biden was inaugurated.

Chinese state newspaper Global Times also took a shot a the U.S. in an op-ed on Thursday morning that argued the grid failure in Texas is an example of why the country is not an example to follow.

“It is a severe natural disaster after all, and we cannot say that the U.S. is an ugly country just because many Americans are also suffering from man-made calamities,” the op-ed stated, according to the U.S News & World Report. “But what is happening there has undoubtedly shown that the U.S. is an ordinary country with serious shortcomings.”

“Actually, every country has its own problems, so the U.S. should focus on solving its own woes rather than denouncing other countries,” Global Times concluded.

These headlines and quotes wouldn’t be worth reporting if were Trump still president. What makes them newsworthy is that Biden was supposed to make these people, our most potent foes, like us — or so we were led to believe.

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Clearly, they aren’t feeling the unity Biden promised.

In any event, things are definitely back to business as usual in Washington, now that Democrats and other establishment lawmakers are calling the shots. The “America First” policies instituted by the administration of President Trump are being peeled back across the board.

So, too, are domestic policies that made the country energy independent and economically prosperous. Gasoline prices are climbing, while Biden works to cut jobs and end key projects, such as the Keystone XL pipeline, which would safely transport oil from Canada and the country’s northern states down to southern refineries.

Most noteworthy; America is back to being the world’s punching bag while apology tour Act II is underway.

We’re set to dole out money globally as people in this country struggle to rebound from the devastating economic impacts of the coronavirus pandemic — which China unleashed on the world. What are we getting for Biden’s soft stances on China and Iran and his capitulation to the radical left?

According to the international media, we’re being chastised and mocked. Meanwhile, the Russians are having a pretty good belly laugh at our expense, too.

Trump wanted to begin a second term by keeping Americans safe with a continued focus on a strong but minimized military presence globally while also keeping the country’s adversaries in-line by forcing fair trade practices and drawing red lines which wouldn’t be crossed without consequences.

He also wanted to invest big to update the country’s aging infrastructure. This week, tragically, the weaknesses of some of that infrastructure were exposed. Biden now owns those problems and their solutions. Thus far, we’re being led to believe more windmills are our future, as is bowing on the world stage and voluntarily ceding our independence on foreign oil.

Biden spent his first four weeks pushing radical ideas which were designed to appease those both inside and outside of this country who’d like to see us falter.

But on the world stage, where Biden is already redirecting foreign policy back to the quagmire it was during eight years under former President Barack Obama, those who stand to benefit from our weaknesses are apparently taking great pleasure in our suffering — and we’re only in week four.

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