
Watch Meghan McCain Realize She Was Wrong About Biden Win - These Democrats 'Can Go to Hell'


Even conservatives with mixed or negative feelings toward the 45th president of the United States should be able to admit that Donald Trump accurately presaged what would happen when he left office:

“In reality they’re not after me, they’re after you,” he tweeted over the summer. “I’m just in the way.”

He’s not in the way anymore — not in the White House, not in the mainstream media, and especially not on the medium where he wrote that, now that Twitter has banned him. Now we know it wasn’t just about him, it was about everyone who stooped so low as to vote for him, too. What’s surprising is that some still view this with an element of surprise.

In April, “The View” panelist Meghan McCain told Andy Cohen of Bravo that “it shouldn’t take a rocket scientist” to figure out whom she was voting for.

“There’s one man who has made pain in my life a living hell and another man who has literally shepherded me through the grief process,” McCain said.

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Trump’s ugly battles with former Sen. John McCain of Arizona won’t be listed among his finest moments in the inevitable post-presidential tomes, although it bears noting that McCain was plenty happy to engage in ugly battles with other members of the Republican Party and not lose a minute’s sleep over it. Furthermore, Biden was a close friend of the McCain family.

While Meghan McCain didn’t officially endorse Biden — her mother did, saying that “Joe and I don’t always agree on the issues, and I know he and John certainly had some passionate arguments, but he is a good and honest man” — “The View” co-host celebrated his victory on Twitter.

It’s understandable that the McCain family is close to Biden, but perhaps they ought to have looked at the large horse he was riding atop. Upon examination, they would have noticed it was wooden, hollow, and filled with Odysseus and the other Greek soldiers of the new left.

Now that the progressive Trojan horse is well within the walls of the nation’s capital, Meghan McCain is stunned — stunned, I tell you! — that leftists didn’t really want unity after all.

The wake-up call for her, it seems, came after former “CBS Nightly News” and “Today” host Katie Couric, soon to be appearing as a guest host on “Jeopardy!,” told Bill Maher that some GOP congressmen “are believing the garbage that they are being fed 24/7 on the internet, by their constituents, and they bought into this big lie.

“And the question is how are we going to really almost deprogram these people who have signed up for the cult of Trump,” she added in the “Real Time with Bill Maher” interview on Jan. 15, according to the New York Post.

This managed to hit fully half the bumpers on the Trump terminology pinball table in just a few sentences — Adolf Hitler’s “big lie,” talk of radicalization by “garbage that they are being fed 24/7 on the internet,” “deprogram[ming]” from the “cult of Trump.” Nevertheless, it somehow managed to scandalize McCain as if she were a groundhog awakening from hibernation who, instead of finding the world in the first warm stirrings of vernal bloom, found we’d entered nuclear winter.

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“In regards to Democrats, what’s interesting to me is just, I had sort of assumed after President Biden won that the feeling of unity and of coming together would be happening, the Democrats would be wanting Republicans to come together with them to go forward,” McCain said on Monday’s edition of “The View.”

“And instead, we’re hearing a lot of language from people like Katie Couric that Republicans like me need to be reprogrammed, that we’re brainwashed, that 74 million Americans are basically irredeemable people that we don’t need to communicate towards and we don’t need to in any way have anything to do with.

“I think it’s horribly dangerous for the country, and I think it’s horribly dangerous for Democrats,” she continued. “If you don’t care about unity, you should care about the politics of this.”

“If President Biden and Democrats want to have a big tent party and include some of these people, great” she added.

“And if we’re all just deplorable and need to be reprogrammed, as Katie Couric said, then honestly, they can go to hell. Because I don’t need to be reprogrammed. I just have a different perspective on how the government should be run.”


It’s curious she’s just come to the realization that the American left believes anyone to the right of Bill Clinton circa 1997 needs some form of soft re-education.

Meghan McCain is part of the mainstream media and follows the media for a living. Her husband, Ben Domenich, is one of the co-founders of the conservative website The Federalist — one of those publications frequently slapped with the promiscuously used tag “far right.” And now she realizes, because Katie Couric said it, that this is an agenda item for the American left?

CNN talking head Don Lemon made materially the same statement about Trump supporters before the election.

“If I had a real friend, who was involved in a cult, which I feel it is cultish behavior, I must try to help them,” Lemon said in August. “And you can only go so far until you say, until you reach bottom, I cannot deal with it. It’s like an addiction. Until you reach bottom and you want help, I can’t deal with it.

“[Trump] lies to people and they believe it,” he added. “And so, what is that? Cultish behavior. And I think a lot of people need to be deprogrammed, right now, before they cast their next ballots.”

Just in case you’re curious, Lemon didn’t get any better after the election, saying Trump voters were on the side of the KKK and the Nazis. It’s almost as if that was the point — leftists weren’t talking about unity of America, they were talking about unity of opinion. No matter why you voted for Trump, your intentions were prima facie evil.

These aren’t aberrations, they’re merely some of the highest-profile individuals to use this kind of language. Nevertheless, what’s become clear since the inauguration is that the Democrats are in full-on purge mode. But don’t worry, insisted some. Meghan McCain is safe.

“It’s interesting that McCain took Couric’s comments so personally, considering the potential ‘Jeopardy!’ guest host [Couric] was specifically referring to Trump supporters, not the entire Republican party [sic],” entertainment reporter Margeaux Sippell wrote in The Wrap. “McCain herself is vocally anti-Trump and has criticized her own party for embracing him on several occasions.”

Don’t worry, it’s only Trump and the 74 million Republicans who supported him. McCain remains a Republican, but they’ll never come for her. Until, of course, she likes a candidate that’s unpopular with the mob.

Meghan McCain wants the rider of the Trojan horse without the soldiers of the cancel army contained within. She apparently just came to the conclusion that Biden wasn’t going to dismount before entering the White House. No one expected her to endorse Donald Trump, but her view of what a Biden presidency would bring seems, from all appearances, to have been ridiculously naïve.

If she was duped by Biden’s 2021 persona, however, it’s only because she wasn’t paying attention. They were always coming for her, too, even if she was useful during the campaign due to her anti-Trump stance. That may have put her at the bottom of the list — but they’ll eventually get around to it.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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