
Say Goodbye to 'America First': President of Mexico Says Biden Offered $4 Billion for Central America


After repealing many of the Trump administration’s successful immigration policies, President Joe Biden took yet another step toward putting the interests of other countries above those of his own.

Fox Business reported that one of Biden’s first calls to a foreign leader went to Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador on Friday. The conversation consisted of Biden offering large swaths of money to Mexico.

“Mexico’s president said Saturday that Biden told him the U.S. would send $4 billion to help development in Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala — nations whose hardships have spawned tides of migration through Mexico toward the United States,” the outlet reported.

The news comes after Biden signed multiple executive orders reversing former President Donald Trump’s immigration policies.

The orders included measures that ended construction on the border wall and reversed Trump’s plan to include only American citizens in the United States Census, The New York Times reported.

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In addition to those policies, which will presumably make it easier for illegal aliens to enter and remain in the country, Biden now apparently sees the need to funnel billions of dollars to Mexico and other countries.

“López Obrador, who spoke Friday with Biden by phone, said the two discussed immigration and the need to address the root causes of why people migrate,” Fox Business reported.

There’s just one problem: mass immigration is only coming from Mexico to the United States, not the other way around.

That means it is Mexico’s job to figure out why the conditions of their country are causing people to migrate. It is not the U.S. government’s responsibility.


If President Biden wants to help Mexico and others figure out their problems, that’s great. While it’s not required, it’s a nice thing to do. What is not great, however, is giving them $4 billion.

The two presidents devising a thoroughly examined plan together is certainly an effective way to begin to solve the immigration problem. Yet when Biden offers a $4 billion handout in his very first conversation with López Obrador, it is hard to believe that they spent a lot of time planning.

Biden’s actions in his first week as president have already drawn a clear distinction between himself and his predecessor. Trump put America first, while Biden seems to elevate whatever country is convenient that day to the top of his list.

Sure, Trump’s border wall cost money. But it was money going into our own country, and it was a project that had a tangible, effective result.

Biden, on the other hand, would like to spend our country’s money on behalf of other countries, all while pushing undefined programs that may or may not be effective.

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Furthermore, Biden himself has said countless times that we are in the middle of a national crisis due to the coronavirus. While his campaign was focused on controlling the virus, he has now shifted his position.

“There’s nothing we can do to change the trajectory of the pandemic in the next several months,” Biden said in a Jan. 22 news briefing.

Obviously, this is in direct opposition to Biden’s campaign promise to stop the pandemic. It looks even more inconsistent when viewed alongside decisions such as shoveling money to other countries.

Even if Biden is correct that it is impossible to change the course of the pandemic, would that not mean we should be focusing our time and money on keeping our own economy afloat?

Conservatives have long argued that many liberals are too keen on the idea of free handouts. In the case of Biden, it’s even worse than that.

Not only does he give free handouts, but he also prioritizes other countries over the U.S. when deciding where those handouts will go.

When Donald Trump left office, the days of putting America first went with him.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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