
Biden Will Sign More Than 10 Executive Orders on Day 1, Gutting Some of Trump's Policy Legacies


If there was ever hope that the incoming Biden administration would be moderate, its agenda for just the first 10 days confirms its complete commitment to turning America into a leftist hellscape.

In a memo released Saturday, incoming White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain outlined how Biden would swiftly handle illegal immigration, the coronavirus, climate change, racial strife and economic upheaval mostly by dismantling President Donald Trump’s achievements.

Alexander Panetta of CBC News tweeted a copy of the memo “previewing dozens of executive orders he’ll sign in his first days in office to attack 4 crises: ‘COVID-19, economic crisis, the climate crisis, and a racial equity crisis.'”

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“On Inauguration Day, President-elect Biden will sign roughly a dozen actions to combat the four crises, restore humanity to our immigration system, and make government function for the people,” Klain said.

The memo said that on his first day on the job, Biden will extend the freeze on student loan repayment and restrictions on foreclosures, arguably two measures that could slow any hope for economic recovery.

He will also rejoin the U.S. in the Paris Climate Agreement, from which Trump withdrew the nation because its financially onerous and unfair environmental restrictions harm American interests.

Additionally, Klain said Biden will roll back the “Muslim Ban,” the pejorative the left used to describe a national security measure Trump implemented and the U.S. Supreme Court upheld that restricted travel from specific countries that supported terrorism and refused to share information about travelers who pose a threat to America.


After suppressing the economy and making America less secure, Biden is going to take on the coronavirus with tools the Trump administration has already pushed, including reopening schools.

“On January 21, the president-elect will sign a number of executive actions to move aggressively to change the course of the COVID-19 crisis and safely re-open schools and businesses, including by taking action to mitigate spread through expanding testing, protecting workers, and establishing clear public health standards,” Klain said.

There is also the added bonus of Biden’s big idea for a “100 Day Masking Challenge” to combat the coronavirus — because, after nearly a year of mask mandates, another hundred days should do the trick.

The memo went on to say that Biden would use the days following his inauguration to make good on his promises of criminal justice reform, expanded “access to healthcare,” more softening on immigration, lots of scientific science against climate change (that’s only a slight paraphrase) and an effort to fight racial injustice.

“Of course, these actions are just the start of our work. Much more will need to be done to fight COVID-19, build our economy back better, combat systemic racism and inequality, and address the existential threat of the climate crisis,” Klain said.

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“But by February 1st, America will be moving in the right direction on all four of these challenges — and more — thanks to President-elect Joe Biden’s leadership,” he concluded.

Despite those promises, Biden will be a disaster because he’s already shown what his real agenda is.

He demonstrated that he was not interested in healing the rift between the races when he doubled down on the erroneous racial dimension to the Capitol incursion and law enforcement response earlier this month.

He’s already promised to reverse Trump’s tough and effective immigration policy by expediting legalization for certain immigrants.

Through many disastrous plans, Biden will likely stifle the resilient Trump economy with plans such as a big increase in the minimum wage.

His reported plan to cancel the Keystone XL pipeline project on Inauguration Day won’t help, either.

Biden has packed his Cabinet with officials who are soft on China, extreme on abortion, unqualified for their positions and just plain swampy D.C. leftovers in a harbinger of what’s to come.

With Democrats essentially controlling Congress as well as the White House, there’s virtually no end to the policy nightmare Biden is about to unleash.

This memo simply formalized what many have known and feared would come when Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris take office, ushering in a dark period for the nation under the leadership of two radical and divisive politicians.

The only hope is that after two years of Democrats ruining everything, the midterm elections in 2022 will swing the nation back to good sense and responsible leadership.

Unfortunately, there might not be much left of the country once the Democrats have their way with it.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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