
Pelosi Enacts Significant Fines for Members of Congress Who Don't Wear Masks


House Democrats are implementing a new edict proposed by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi that will fine any member of Congress who does not wear a mask.

The first offense will cost a member $500. The second will carry a $2,500 fine. Fines cannot be paid from campaign funds or expense accounts.

Forced mask-wearing has become a Democratic demand after last Wednesday’s Capitol incursion, according to USA Today.

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In an Op-Ed in The Washington Post, Democratic Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman said Republicans who did not wear masks during last week’s Capitol lockdown bear all the blame for the fact that she recently tested positive for the coronavirus.

“When I say that many Republicans are responsible for what happened to me, to others and to the country last week, I mean their essential failure to accept facts led us here. Much like they should be able to accept the results of an election, elected leaders should be able to accept facts like the efficacy of masks. It’s clearly time for a congressional campuswide mask requirement, enforced by the House and Senate sergeants at arms,” she wrote.

Democratic Rep. Pramila Jayapal of Washington took to Twitter to blame Republicans for her positive test.

“Republicans refused to wear masks and mocked us for doing so—creating a superspreader event on top of a deadly attack. Now I’m among those who have COVID after sheltering with them. They put lives at risk. Fine members who refuse to wear a mask and remove them from the floor,” she tweeted.


“Now up to THREE reps who tested + after being locked in a room where Republicans refused to wear a mask and mocked those who offered one. I’m worried for the health of my colleagues. How many more will fall ill? There must be consequences for those who treated this like a joke,” she also tweeted.

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Democratic Rep. Brad Schneider of Illinois was also livid with Republicans.

Democratic Reps. Anthony Brown of Maryland and Debbie Dingell of Michigan had proposed hitting members with $1,000 fines per day through the duration of the pandemic for not wearing a mask.

“It is not brave to refuse to wear a mask, it is selfish, stupid, and shameful behavior that puts lives at risk,” Dingell said in a release on her website. “We’re done playing games. Either have some common sense and wear a damn mask or pay a fine. It’s not that complicated.”

“No Member of Congress should be able to ignore the rules or put others at risk without penalty,” Brown said. “As the people’s representatives it is critical that we set an example for the rest of the country. If members jeopardize the safety of others they should face fines.”

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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