
Neil Ferguson Admits Communists Inspired Lockdowns in West


The man originally responsible for lockdowns in the U.K. and arguably the U.S. bragged that he took his inspiration directly from the Chinese Communist Party in a recent interview with a British newspaper.

Professor Neil Ferguson, the disgraced Imperial College London scientist who convinced U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson to lock down his country in March, has spilled the beans on what inspired him to forever alter Western society.

Before leaving his job after he broke his own recommendations for a sexual rendezvous in the spring with a married woman, according to The Telegraph, the man used the Chinese model for slowing the spread of the coronavirus as his inspiration for recommending unprecedented lockdowns.

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That model of course meant literally welding some people inside of their homes, according to reports. Still, Ferguson signaled he liked what he saw.

If you didn’t already feel robbed by the influence of China on your life this year, just wait until you hear Ferguson explain to London’s The Times newspaper how Beijing might have inspired how 2020 went for the British and many of us here in the states as well.


“Back in 2019, about the time someone was getting infected by a bat, no European country’s pandemic plans seriously entertained the prospect of putting a country on pause,” The Times reported. “Then, that’s what China did.”

“I think people’s sense of what is possible in terms of control changed quite dramatically between January and March,” Ferguson told the outlet.

After watching the Chinese government claim to have success with forced lockdowns, Ferguson was onboard.

“They claimed to have flattened the curve. I was skeptical at first. I thought it was a massive cover-up by the Chinese. But as the data accrued it became clear it was an effective policy,” he said.

Ferguson said there was some debate about whether the concept of locking free people down was even plausible, but doubts were quickly put to rest.

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“It’s a communist one party state, we said. We couldn’t get away with it in Europe, we thought,” he said. “And then Italy did it. And we realized we could.”

Ferguson and his peers were certainly able to “get away with it,” as he put it. The Imperial model was instrumental in the early days of the pandemic with regard to tracking and predicting infections even here in the U.S.

Ferguson, though, had a much more direct role in the U.K.’s lockdown.

The Independent reported in July that Ferguson was instrumental in destroying the lives of Britons after he advised Downing Street to shut everything down.

“Imperial College London epidemiologist and former Sage adviser Neil Ferguson became nicknamed ‘Professor Lockdown’ after his team’s report in mid-March suggested 510,000 people could die from Covid-19 in the U.K. without any government intervention, and that the NHS would be overwhelmed regardless,” the outlet reported.

“The dramatic modelling is widely reported to have been the catalyst for the U.K.’s lockdown, after crucial weeks of governmental indecision over a herd immunity strategy versus the lockdown restrictions springing up across Europe,” the Independent added.

Now, we know that all of these restrictions on liberty and all of the suicides were apparently inspired by the same regime that allowed the virus to become a global pandemic. The epidemiologist behind the idea of isolating healthy people did get away with it, too.

According to the Daily Mail, he’s back in a role advising the British government, now that his sordid and hypocritical love affair fallout has subsided. Ferguson, in fact, played a role in the current lockdown now plaguing the British.

“Professor Neil Ferguson was among those attending a meeting of Nervtag — the New and Emerging Respiratory Virus Threats Advisory Group — to discuss the new mutant strain of coronavirus on Friday … They were said to have played a pivotal role in changing the Prime Minister’s mind — and led to Saturday’s announcement that Christmas was effectively cancelled for millions,” the Mail reported.

Ferguson set two precedents for the Western world this year.

He was the first public health official to break his own advice, which is an epidemic in its own right here in this country. He also apparently made it OK to view China’s oppressive government’s actions favorably, while simultaneously being wrong about everything and still remaining employed.

He’s the British version of Dr. Anthony Fauci, just with more vigor and less shame.

Ferguson and his team advised the lockdowns which are now still not working in their ninth month.

Infections are rising, no matter which draconian health mandates are ordered by Democrats, and healthy people are dying and languishing due to addiction, depression and unemployment.

All of it was apparently inspired by the Chinese, whose contributions to the world this year continue to make life unbearable for so many people.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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