
Alec Baldwin Suggests Violence for Trump: 'A Knee on His Neck, Cutting Off His Oxygen?'


Leftist rabble-rouser Alec Baldwin suggested violence for President Donald Trump on Sunday, proposing that the president be dragged out of the White House and choked if he refuses to concede the election.

Baldwin, whose recent claim to fame is playing Trump on “Saturday Night Live,” made the thuggish remarks on Twitter.

“Who arrests Trump if he refuses to concede?” Baldwin tweeted. “Who drags him out?”

Baldwin then gleefully enumerated the variety of ways to torture the president while slamming him as a “thug.”

“Pepper spray? Cuffs?” Baldwin wondered. “A knee on his neck, cutting off his oxygen? Does he wheeze ‘I can’t breathe.’

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“Just whale away on him like a piñata? Rodney King style? The thug who has destroyed the country. What does he deserve?”

Predictably, left-wing tech giant Twitter — which suspends conservatives at the drop of a hat — did not flag Baldwin’s barbaric tweet.


Presumably, this is because leftist violence is expected and condoned, as evidenced by the countless Black Lives Matter and antifa riots, looting and arson that metastasized in Democrat-run cities this summer.

Baldwin’s unhinged Twitter followers openly salivated at the prospect of assaulting and torturing a sitting U.S. president.

One person remarked, “He deserves all you stated – one by one and slowly with great care to do it right.”

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Another Twitter user posted a gruesome image of someone getting dismembered in public, suggesting that was the “punishment” Trump deserves.

Trump supporters fired back at Baldwin, calling his suggestion of violence pathological and treasonous.

“Make sure to put your @SecretService visit on your calendar,” one person quipped. “Promoting and promulgating violence, especially against a sitting @POTUS is against the law.”

A woman remarked how glad she is to not be a hateful Democrat.

Meanwhile, Trump has not yet conceded the election.

Last week, a hand recount confirmed that Trump had won Michigan’s Antrim County, even though Biden was declared the winner of that county on election night.

It was the third time the vote tally in Antrim was changed amid dubious counting “errors” and allegations of inexplicable software “glitches.”

Antrim County used Dominion Voting Systems machines and software.

An independent forensic audit concluded that Dominion machines were “intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results.”

The report explained that “the intentional errors lead to bulk adjudication of ballots with no oversight, no transparency, and no audit trail. This leads to voter or election fraud.”

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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