
Arizona Supreme Court Agrees To Review GOP's Election Results Challenge


The Arizona Supreme Court confirmed Monday it will be reviewing an appeal by the Arizona Republican Party challenging the election results in the Phoenix metro area.

KTAR-FM reported that Arizona GOP Chairwoman Kelli Ward filed an appeal to the state’s high court Friday after Maricopa Superior Court Judge Randall Warner ruled the party failed to prove fraud had occurred in the state’s most populous county that would reverse the results of November’s election.

Warner granted a review of 100 random ballots, which showed a three percent change in favor of President Donald Trump.

Democratic Joe Biden’s current lead in the Grand Canyon State is currently 10,457 votes.

On Thursday, Ward told KFYI-AM radio that Warner granted the campaign access to check for “red flag” issues among the 1.9 million ballots that came in absentee, as well as the duplicate ballots filled out by election officials in Maricopa County (which includes Phoenix) when the original ballots could not be read by the voting machine.

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“We didn’t know if we were going to be successful with these 100 ballots we got to look at because it’s such a small sample,” Ward said.

“What did we find? A 3 percent swing towards president Trump,” she added.

In one instance a duplicate ballot was allegedly switched from Trump to Biden. So when corrected, that is in effect a two-vote swing, Biden loses one and Trump gains.

In another instance, a ballot was allegedly filled out for the president but discarded. “So there is funny business,” Ward said.


Trump noted if that three percent is carried forward statewide, he would win Arizona.

However, a court-ordered sampling of an additional 1,626 duplicate ballots found Trump lost seven votes due to errors in ballot processing, according to KTAR.

Ward said in a video posted by the Arizona GOP Monday, “We are asking to look at the 28,000 duplicated ballots that are in Maricopa County alone, as well as all the digitally adjudicated ballots. There are well over 100,000 ballots that could be affected (statewide) and that is more than enough to swing this election,” she said.

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Ward further noted in her KFYI-AM interview that whistleblowers at last week’s election hearing involving Trump campaign attorneys Rudy Giuliani, Jenna Ellis and Arizona legislators spoke about irregularities in Pima County (Tucson) and Coconino County (in northern AZ), which also went for Biden.

On Friday, the Arizona Senate president, the speaker of the House and other legislative leaders called for an independent audit of Maricopa County’s election software and equipment.

The briefings to the Arizona Supreme Court by the state’s Republican Party and Maricopa County officials are due on Monday.

KTAR-FM reported the Supreme Court plans to rule on the matter without oral arguments.

Arizona Democratic Secretary of State Katie Hobbs and GOP Gov. Doug Ducey certified the state’s current election results last week.

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