
Trump Campaign Asks Court To Order a 'New Election' in Georgia


Election fraud in Georgia was so vast and deep that a new election should be held, according to a lawsuit filed Friday by the campaign of President Donald Trump.

“What was filed today clearly documents that there are literally tens of thousands of illegal votes that were cast, counted, and included in the tabulations the Secretary of State is preparing to certify,” Ray S. Smith III, lead counsel for the Trump campaign, said in a statement.

“The massive irregularities, mistakes, and potential fraud violate the Georgia Election Code, making it impossible to know with certainty the actual outcome of the presidential race in Georgia.”

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“The Secretary of State has orchestrated the worst excuse for an election in Georgia history,” he said. “We are asking the Court to vacate the certification of the presidential election and to order a new statewide election for president. Alternatively, we are asking the Court to enjoin the certification and allow the Georgia legislature to reclaim its duty under the U.S. Constitution to appoint the presidential electors for the state.”

Presumptive President-elect Joe Biden leads Trump by about 12,000 votes in the state, according to The New York Times.

The Trump campaign says there has been voter fraud in states that include Arizona, Nevada, Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin, as well as Pennsylvania. Despite multiple claims of voting irregularities, proof has yet to surface that there was a widespread effort to distort the voting process in such as way that would have impacted the final results of the presidential election.

Numerous affidavits testifying to various types of election fraud have been filed in courts in several swing states. These affidavits constitute evidence of fraud, but those allegations have yet to be proven by those courts. The legal action remains ongoing.


The Trump campaign’s 64-page lawsuit in Georgia lists a litany of misconduct and irregularities that the Trump campaign claims took place.

“Due to significant systemic misconduct, fraud, and other irregularities occurring during the election process, many thousands of illegal votes were cast, counted, and included in the tabulations from the Contested Election for the Office of the President of the United States, thereby creating substantial doubt regarding the results of that election,” the lawsuit read.

“To allow Georgia’s presidential election results to stand uncontested, and its presidential electors chosen based upon election results that are erroneous, unknowable, not in accordance with the Election Code and unable to be replicated with certainty, constitutes a fraud upon Petitioners and the Citizens of Georgia, an outcome that is unlawful and must not be permitted,” the suit said.

“Respondents’ systemic negligent, intentional, willful, and reckless violations of the Georgia Constitution, Georgia law, as well as the fundamental premise of a free and fair election created such error and irregularities at every stage of the Contested Election — from registration through certification and every component in between — that the outcome of the Contested Election is in doubt.”

The campaign is demanding that the “Contested Election and any certification associated therewith shall be enjoined, vacated, and nullified and either a new presidential election be immediately ordered that complies with Georgia law or, in the alternative, that such other just and equitable relief is obtained so as to comport with the Constitution of the State of Georgia.”

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In a statement, the Trump campaign said the lawsuit includes “sworn affidavits from dozens of Georgia residents swearing under penalty of perjury to what they witnessed during the election: failure to process and secure the ballots, failure to verify the signatures on absentee ballots, the appearance of mysterious ‘pristine’ absentee ballots not received in official absentee ballot envelopes that were voted almost solely for Joe Biden, failure to allow poll watchers meaningful access to observe the election, among other violations of law.”

The statement said the facts are on the side of the Trump campaign.

“Data experts also provided sworn testimony in the lawsuit identifying thousands of illegal votes: 2,560 felons; 66,247 underage voters, 2,423 votes from people not registered; 1,043 individuals registered at post office boxes; 4,926 individuals who voted in Georgia after registering in another state; 395 individuals who voted in two states; 15,700 votes from people who moved out of state before the election; 40,279 votes of people who moved without re-registering in their new county; and another 30,000 to 40,000 absentee ballots lacking proper signature matching and verification,” the statement said.

But Georgia Deputy Secretary of State Jordan Fuchs said dismissively that the president “spent more time campaigning in Georgia after the election” than prior to Nov. 3.

“The state of Georgia is wrapping up its third count of legally cast ballots, and the results have not changed,” Fuchs said, according to ABC News.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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