
Watch: Biden Admits 'We Can't Be Trusted' in Latest Major Blunder


It was supposed to be a zinger aimed right at the heart of former President Donald Trump.

But when President Joe Biden is involved, things often don’t go the way they’re “supposed” to.

“And folks” he told an audience of supporters at a campaign event in Florida in support of murdering babies, “in a sense, I don’t know why we’re surprised by Trump.

“How many times does he have to prove we can’t be trusted?” he asked rhetorically.

Ah, what a difference one letter can make sometimes.

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You can see the latest Biden gaffe here, and we’ve queued it up to the appropriate point in the video on the assumption that few readers of The Western Journal want to suffer through a full 13 minutes of the president’s mumbling.

If you watch that with YouTube’s closed captioning on, you’ll see that even its talk-to-text AI recognized what Biden said here.

Granted, this was more a slip of the tongue than an actual misstatement or some other stronger indication that Biden’s mental acuity might not be all that we could wish in a sitting president — much less one who’s trying to get another four years in the Oval Office, after which hypothetical second term he’d retire from the White House at the age of 86.


But in some ways this was a more telling gaffe, one in which he accidentally revealed a truth that regular readers here already know: Biden, his administration, and leftists in general cannot be trusted.

We can’t even trust Biden about the personal details of his life and those of his family members, as he proved last week when he claimed — twice — that his uncle was shot down over New Guinea during World War II and bizarrely implied that he’d been eaten by cannibals.

That was so far from the truth (that his uncle died in a crash after engine failture) that even The Associated Press was forced to fact check it.

There was also the slip about a week earlier, when Biden claimed to be a modern “20th century” president.

At about the same time, Biden again made the long-debunked claim that he was the first member of his family to attend college. As his father attended Johns Hopkins and members of his mother’s family who also received some higher education — as Biden himself admitted in 1987 — you have to wonder what (or if) the president was thinking when he repeated this obvious falsehood.

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Back up another couple of weeks, and we have Biden claiming to have ridden over Baltimore’s collapsed Francis Scott Key Bridge “many, many times … by train or by car.”

The only problem with that claim is that there was never a rail line on that bridge, of course.

I could go on nearly forever, of course. Biden calling Laken Riley “Lincoln” twice during his latest State of the Union address, his insistence that Congress pass a bill funding NATO that wasn’t before Congress (he apparently meant Ukraine), and on and on and on.

“We can’t be trusted,” indeed.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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