
Pro-Palestinian Agitators Attempting to Block Miami Road Find Out Things Are Different in Florida


Left-wing activists’ extreme narcissism always leads them to the same conclusion: You have no rights that they must respect.

The latest example occurred Monday in Miami, Florida, where police arrested seven pro-Palestinian protesters for obstructing traffic, according to WSVN.

That police response in Miami contrasted with the situation in some of America’s most liberal cities on Monday.

In northern California, for instance, pro-Palestinian protesters shut down both San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge and I-880 in nearby Oakland.

That particular demonstration of pathological narcissism occurred as part of a coordinated, nationwide, pro-Palestinian protest timed to coincide with the April 15 deadline for filing federal taxes, per WSVN.

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Protesters objected to Americans’ tax dollars helping to fund Israel’s war against Hamas in Gaza. Thus, those protesters decided to create a traffic snarl-up along roads leading to airports and other major destinations.

In other words, between their confiscatory federal government and their left-wing activist neighbors who have nothing better to do than make other people’s lives miserable, millions of ordinary Americans must have interpreted Monday’s confluence of events as yet another reason to feel besieged on all sides by sinister actors who ignore their rights and treat them with contempt.

Bryan Griffin, Communications Director for Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida, posted a 39-second video of the police response in Miami on the social media platform X.


The video showed police carrying at least six protesters who had decided to block traffic by lying down in the road. Protesters did not forcibly resist but did allow their bodies to go limp. No doubt the police officers appreciated having to pick up the protesters by their limbs and carry the dead weight.

“In Florida, we drag these people out of the road and arrest them,” Griffin posted.

All Americans have a right to engage in political speech, no matter how repugnant their views might be.

The exercise of that right, however, depends on a reciprocal acknowledgment of the equal rights of others. Freedom and the rule of law cannot coexist otherwise.

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In short, left-wing narcissists reject these principles.

As they see it, their moral superiority entitles them to speak where and when they wish while silencing you. If you object to being silenced, or if you simply refuse to indulge them, they accuse you of violence.

Likewise, as they showed again on Monday, they believe that their moral superiority entitles them to act in whatever way they wish while hindering your freedom of action.

Because they view all of human affairs through the simplistic, Marxist, oppressor-oppressed dichotomy and because they claim to speak and act on behalf of those whom they have identified as oppressed, left-wing narcissists enjoy the luxury of showcasing their presumed moral superiority without troubling their own consciences.

The nature of the alleged oppression — to say nothing of its authenticity — makes no difference. Today, activists scream about Gaza. In 2020, they screamed about “systemic racism” during the Black Lives Matter riots. And many of the same people participated in both waves of protests.

In sum, left-wing narcissists do not block traffic on major roads because their causes demand such action. They do it because, as they see it, you have no rights that they must respect.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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