
Democrats Are Already Complaining That Biden's Cabinet Isn't Diverse Enough


Democrat Joe Biden, the presumptive president-elect, is facing a backlash for the supposed lack of racial and ethnic diversity within the Cabinet he is assembling.

Assuming Biden takes office on Jan. 20, the 78-year-old will be the oldest person to ever become the U.S. president.

Take into account that the former vice president is also white and male, and that means he’s problematic — at least to those who view every one of life’s situations as being connected to race, gender, ethnicity or sexual preference.

Democrats are, as they always remind us, the party of diversity.

But Biden and his top associates are finding out the hard way that those obsessed with the politics of identity don’t aim their ire only at Republicans.

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In fact, as Politico reported, Biden’s team is facing heat over those he’s chosen to work in his administration, should he indeed be inaugurated.

The report said Biden is being told to “step it up” with regard to appointing minorities to top positions.

“The faces of the economic team President-elect Joe Biden unveiled publicly Tuesday included an African American woman, a man born in Nigeria, an Indian American woman and just one white man,” Politico reported.

“The response from Asian American, Black and Latino Democrats: It’s not enough,” the outlet said.

Not so long ago, the establishment media savaged President Donald Trump for the perceived lack of racial diversity in the White House coronavirus task force.

Perhaps adding a nonbinary, cross-dressing Istro-Romanian to the task force would have appeased some Democrat critics.

Perhaps not.

In any event, Democrats are proud to own identity politics, and so now that they’re convinced they’ve won the election, they expect Biden to enact racial quotas — turning the government into a woke game of diversity and inclusion with regard to history-making Cabinet appointees.

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The point, obviously, isn’t about awarding positions to the best candidate for each open job.

The goal is to fill those positions with people who will make the government look more colorful.

We could very well have a government that resembles a rheumatoid arthritis TV commercial, where every race, gender and faith is equally represented in a cringe-inducing utopian public park setting.

Call your doctor if you feel nausea.

According to Politico, Asian, black and Hispanic Democrats are pushing for “more representation” in the “burgeoning” Cabinet after Biden ally Rep. Jim Clyburn of South Carolina, who is black, last week called for a more diverse executive branch.

The outlet reported Rep. Vicente Gonzalez of Texas said Hispanic Democrats are “concerned” about their lack of representation in the Cabinet and want a minimum of five Hispanics chosen for high-level jobs.

Likewise, Asian-Americans and Pacific Islanders will find it “deeply disappointing” if there are no Cabinet members of Asian or Pacific Islander descent, Politico reported.

Of course, members of the Congressional Black Caucus want a piece of the pie and are demanding Biden choose a black person to head the State Department, per the report.

Politico cited a seemingly endless number of sources close to Biden who want racial representation in a Biden Cabinet.

It’s turning into quite a clown show, making a mockery of government and people.

Why do Democrats seem to see skin color before anything else?


There is no doubt that the right person from any respective race or ethnicity is capable of doing a bang-up job at any given opportunity — but those traits shouldn’t be the reason a person is chosen.

Government, like sports, should be a pure meritocracy, where the most qualified person at each position starts. A team assembled without taking merit into account would face disaster come game day. And if Biden is indeed the next president, there will be plenty of international rivals ready to make quick work of his picks, assuming they’re not right for their jobs.

Since Democrats are piling on, I might as well throw my headdress into the ring for a job, seeing as I’m both a conservative and a Native American.

In a Cabinet filled with leftist ideologues, swamp creatures and others who no doubt will be picked on the basis of their race, ethicity and/or gender, a conservative, God-fearing Indian from flyover country would be pretty darn historic in a Democratic administration.

To top it all off, I’m also likely extremely unqualified to head a major department.

Then again, maybe not.

Somehow, FBI Director Chris Wray has remained employed for decades, and the man hasn’t shown up for work all year. Biden intends to keep Wray on as FBI director unless Trump fires him, The Hill reported.

Musings aside, though, Democrats have spent years fostering racial division and entitlement, and it appears they’re now divided even among themselves.

Biden and those who have enabled him are now being attacked by a monster they helped to create.

That monster is a collective of successful radicals who are more or less convinced that they are victims of oppression when they are not.

If he does become the next president, Biden and his associates are going to have their hands full trying to pacify it.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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