
Man Gets a Beatdown After Asking Protesters To Quiet Down Outside His Home, police say


[jwplayer h0H2q4mH]In the presence of Black Lives Matter’s “mostly peaceful” protesters, you lose for simply wanting to snooze.

According to a July 30 news release from the Seattle Police Department, a 47-year-old man from the Queen Anne portion of the city was assaulted outside his home by protesters after requesting that they quiet down.

The police report said the resident was kept awake as a vocal group passed passed through his neighborhood after demonstrations in other parts of the city.

When the fed-up resident finally left his house to confront the protesters, camera in hand, police say he was met with substantial push-back.

The group apparently did not want to be recorded — a not-so-shocking tidbit given protester misbehavior nationwide in recent weeks — and responded by shining lasers in the resident’s eyes.

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One member of the group also allegedly struck the man in the head with a blunt object, which police believe might have been a flashlight.

Small segments of video captured from the protesters’ perspective are dispersed throughout a local news report from KIRO-TV on the alleged assault.


What little can be made out shows the alleged victim sprawled in the street, as well as several tense moments of verbal squabbling before the alleged attack.

According to police, the victim told police that video captured from his perspective was deleted from his phone by the attackers while other protesters interceded to administer first aid.

The man subsequently was taken to the city’s Swedish Hospital, where he filed the police report. Authorities say the man suffered a possible concussion in the attack.

Local law enforcement say the testimony of multiple eyewitnesses confirms the victim’s account — as does substantial blood splatter found at the scene.

Investigation of the incident remains ongoing, and no arrests had been made, but police say they have turned up area surveillance footage that might have captured the  incident.

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What might also be worth investigating, however, is what the loosely organized band of delinquents known as Black Lives Matter wishes to accomplish by keeping their neighbors awake and attacking peaceful dissenters.

From the harassment and murder of law-abiding citizens to the razing of local businesses and even the creation of a violent, rogue state in Seattle’s Capitol Hill district, was it all just a social experiment to see how long a society would stand for chaotic mob rule?

I mean, seriously. In light of the officer-involved deaths of George Floyd in Minneapolis and Breonna Taylor in Louisville, Kentucky, this year, it was borderline impossible to find folks who weren’t appalled by what they were hearing and seeing from certain law enforcement officers and departments.

The two tragedies sparked what might have been the greatest opportunity for common-sense policing and justice reform since  Rodney King, a black man, was beaten by Los Angeles police officers in 1991.

Black Lives Matter literally had the world stage — and they squandered their moment by allowing Marxists and angry leftist clowns to co-opt their message and use their platform to violently vent lifelong frustrations.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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