
Prominent Bridge Engineer Says He's 'Not Surprised' About How Baltimore Bridge Collapsed


A renowned British structural engineer specializing in bridge design says he was “not surprised” at the collapse of Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key Bridge after a container ship named Dali heading to Sri Lanka, crashed into it and caused it to fall into the Patapsco River early Tuesday morning.

After analyzing video of the bridge’s collapse, Ian Firth observed what seemed to be two defensive barriers in the water adjacent to the bridge, which are designed to shield maritime infrastructure from vessel impacts and are referred to as “dolphins,” the Washington Post reported.

Firth pointed out that because the Dali approached the Key Bridge “at an angle,” it rendered these protective measures ineffective in preventing the collision that resulted in the bridge’s collapse.

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He said had the Dali been traveling straight on instead of at an angle, it likely would have hit the protective objects around the bridge, and he noted that if there were more vessel-protection objects around the bridge, instead of just two, the Key Bridge might still be standing.

America has suffered from infrastructure issues for quite some time and that the Key Bridge’s collapse could have been prevented is a strong indicator of this problem.


The bridge, which was completed in 1977, was named after Francis Scott Key, the amateur poet who wrote the American national anthem, “The Star-Spangled Banner.”

Its 47th anniversary was celebrated just three days before Tuesday’s collapse.

The Key Bridge spanned 1.6 miles. Prior to its demise, the Key Bridge was the second longest continuous-truss bridge span in the United States and the third longest in the world, according to the American Civil Engineering Society.

The bridge’s collapse led to some conspiracy theories being spread online, suggesting there was dynamite planted on the bridge, which social media influencer Ian Miles Cheong shut down by tongue-in-cheek suggesting P. Diddy orchestrated the event to distract the public from his legal issues.

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The Independent in the U.K. reported the recovery of at least body from the Patapsco River following the collapse of the bridge.

Rescuers were also able to pull out two survivors, one of whom was hospitalized.

Efforts continue as search teams look for an additional six individuals, given that eight were reported to be working on the bridge at the time of the incident.

USA Today reported that the members of the Dali container ship had communicated that they are safe and were awaiting rescue.

This update came from a seafarers’ chaplain, Andrew Middleton, who accompanied them on a shopping trip on to Walmart on Sunday, where they went to purchase personal necessities and snacks in preparation for what would turn into an ominous journey.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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