
US Teachers Union Held Event Straight Out of Soviet Playbook: Voting-Age Students Drafted for March on the Polls


The best way to enslave a people without them knowing it is to dumb them down and then brainwash them.

That may sound like a line out of the popular series “The Boys,” but it’s not. “All democracies fail because people are f—ing stupid,” Sister Sage, a superhero in the series, said. These days, reality is a lot more interesting — and sinister — than a television show.

In reality, progressive school unions are actively trying to dumb down students in order to indoctrinate them.

The Chicago Teachers Union and its progressive allies recently geared up for an event designed to get students to the polls. The event was touted as “a day of political engagement” for students, according to Illinois Policy, an organization advocating civil and personal liberties.

On Friday, the Chicago Votes parade led CPS students to polls as their answer to the “Bring Chicago Home” debate, according to WLS-TV. The youth vote could decide whether or not the controversial referendum passes.

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The event was a partnership between the Chicago Teachers Union and pro-tax hike progressive groups such as Bring Chicago Home, Chicago Votes and La Casa Norte. CTU was asking teachers and other members to organize voting-age students to attend the “day of political engagement.”

Illinois Policy caught wind of the event before it occurred and called it out for what it was. “The Chicago Teachers Union is planning to herd students to the polls to vote for Brandon Johnson’s real estate tax hike.”


The event was scheduled for March 15, just days before a March 19 vote when Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson’s push for a real estate transfer tax hike will be on the ballot.

Enlisting students for political advocacy may very well violate school district rules that are clear about students not being rounded up like cattle to attend political events during school hours.

It is also likely a violation of the CPS Code of Ethics which states plainly, “Employees are permitted to engage in Political Activity on a voluntary basis during non-work hours, vacation, or personal time. Employees are not permitted to engage in Political Activity during any other Board compensated time,” as reported by Illinois Policy.

The CPS Code of Ethics defines political activity as “Preparing for, organizing, or participating in any political meeting, political rally, political demonstration, or other political event.”

Illinois Policy filed an ethics complaint against the Chicago Teachers Union before the event occurred, according to WGN-TV.

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The Wall Street Journal sums the ploy up like this, “Chicago high school students may not be reading at grade level, but the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) is making sure they know how to vote like union members.”

Dumb the students down and indoctrinate them.  It sounds like something out of the Soviet playbook.

The Illinois State Board of Education released test score data showing the Chicago Public Schools system is not educating students properly. Nearly 75 percent of Chicago Public Schools students could not read at grade level in 2023. Almost 83 percent failed to meet proficiency in math.

At a statewide level, students are doing worse in school than they did before the pandemic, according to the report. In Chicago, students are drowning in what appears to be a cesspool of engineered ignorance.

The teachers union and its progressive allies — Bring Chicago Home, Chicago Votes and La Casa Norte — are blatantly attempting to dumb down students to indoctrinate them. At this point, liberal teachers unions are less interested in teaching children how to be productive and intelligent members of society and more concerned with shaping their future voter base.

It’s not only a tragedy for the students — it could mean the demise of America if it goes unchecked.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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