
Watch: Anti-Trump AG Letitia James' Speech Drowned Out by Pro-Trump Chants


Historical dictators such as Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin and Mao Zedong have seldom suffered the wrath of the masses. But the petty tyrants among us cannot so easily hide.

At a New York City Fire Department promotion ceremony on Thursday, New York state Attorney General Letitia James received a hostile reception from a crowd that showed its support for former President Donald Trump, according to Newsweek.

In a 19-second video posted to the social media platform X, James stood behind a podium and attempted to deliver a speech while cacophonous chants of “Trump! Trump! Trump!” came from the audience.

The corrupt attorney general spoke haltingly as the chants rang out from what sounded like the back of the room.

Then, when the chants died down, they turned to boos, accompanied by an assortment of jeers.

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“F*** you, Letitia!” a deep male voice yelled.

Another male voice — or perhaps the same one — repeated the sentiment seconds later.

Meanwhile, James droned on about recognizing the “first African-American woman chaplain” or something.

Readers may view the delightful video of the exchange below.

WARNING: The following post contains vulgar language that may be offensive to some readers. 

For anyone who might feel a misplaced sense of impropriety given the occasion, keep in mind that James rates as one of the most repellent petty tyrants in recent memory. She richly deserves every jeer and epithet hurled at her.

In fact, a second video from the event — also posted to X — showed how repellent she really is.

Whereas the clip above captured pro-Trump chants during her speech, the second clip showed her walking to the podium.

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Loud boos began immediately.

“Oh, come on. We’re in a house of God,” she said with a snarky tone and expression.

The boos did not stop, at which point the tyrant made herself even more an enemy of the audience.


“Simmer down,” she said in a tone so condescending that one must see and hear it to believe it.

Moments later, the “Trump!” chants rang out from the defiant crowd.

Readers may view this second video below.

James, of course, campaigned for the AG office on a promise to go after Trump’s New York business interests. Then, she brought a laughable and politically-motivated fraud case involving no victims.

Last month, corrupt Democratic Judge Arthur Engoron, who decided against Trump before the trial even began, leveled a tyrannical $355 million fine against the former president.

From investors to truck drivers, many Americans have reacted to Engoron’s verdict with a mixture of alarm and outrage.

Meanwhile, despite its recent history as a deep-blue state, New York has shown signs of warming to the former president.

For instance, at an Ultimate Fighting Championship event at New York City’s Madison Square Garden in November, Trump entered the arena like a rock star, accompanied by Tucker Carlson, Kid Rock and UFC President Dana White.

In short, a lifelong New York real-estate tycoon has morphed into the Man of the People.

So no, petty tyrant Letitia James. It will be a cold day in hell before those people “simmer down” for the likes of you.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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