
Attack on Stone Mountain Dead in the Water After Georgia State Lawmakers Rise Up: Report


Denying your heritage is like denying you are a sinner — it takes the kind of moral superiority called hubris. Pride goeth before a fall.

The word “Democrat” is synonymous with “hubris,” and it’s Democrats who want to rewrite history based on radical progressive idealism. That’s censorship in one of its worst guises.

Last year, an effort to remove Georgia’s Stone Mountain Park’s designation as a Confederate memorial was initiated by three Democrat state representatives — Billy Mitchell of Stone Mountain, Mary Margaret Oliver of Decatur and Omari Crawford of Decatur, according to WXIA-TV.

House Bill 794 would have removed the park’s official designation and the word “Memorial” from the park’s title.  The most drastic change would have been the nixing of the requirement to preserve the carvings of Confederate leaders  Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee and Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson on the front of Stone Mountain. This would amount to a symbolic and literal erasure of American history.

In this case, the Democrat’s attempt to rewrite history has yet to be written into law. According to monument company Monuments Across Dixie, the bill was dead on arrival in the Georgia Senate.

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“House Bill 794, which aimed to strip Stone Mountain of its memorial status and ultimately close the park, failed to make any progress,” the company posted on X.

“The Georgia State Senate, in solidarity with the citizens of Georgia, did not consider the bill, rendering it dead on arrival. We would like to express our gratitude to Georgia Senate Speaker Jon Burns, our newly elected Georgia senator Timothy Bearden, and all other Georgia senators for their efforts in preserving and protecting Stone Mountain Memorial Park.”


The claim that the bill is dead, if it holds true, sends a signal that you can’t sweep history under the rug and build a progressive new world on top of it. You can’t exchange fantasy for reality, because houses made of cards blow down — pride before the fall.

Advocates of the bill — including the Stone Mountain Action Coalition and radical left Southern Poverty Law Center — refuse to accept history for what it is, a record of the past.

“I am a native of Georgia and DeKalb County, and Stone Mountain has been a part of all the stages of my life,”  Oliver said.  “The park is an important asset for our county and state and enjoys enormous popularity and use. As such, the park needs to change its statutory history of honoring the Confederacy and adherence to a ‘lost cause.’ This legislation is consistent with recommendations from other groups and historians who wish to set forth a more accurate history of the Stone Mountain Park and its carving.”

By “more accurate history,” it can be assumed Oliver meant a history more suitable to the utopian ideals of progressive fever dreams.

According to WXIA, all the other 13 state legislators who co-sponsored the bill are all Democrats.

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No surprise there.

Progressives, in a clever sleight of hand, embrace the philosopher George Santayana’s adage, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” They don’t want anyone to remember American history — which entails a Civil War fought in large part over slavery — because they want to repeat it. They want total control. They want citizen-slaves.

It’s in the American DNA to resist tyranny — including a tyrannical reign over history that the Democrats dream about. History is not a slave; it’s a lesson. We learn from it. And that makes Democrats cringe.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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