
CNN Fawns Over Biden's Foot Injury, Claim It Shows Transparency of Incoming Administration


CNN’s liberal bias has been beyond obvious for years, but now the network is attempting to spin a mysterious injury to Democratic presidential-hopeful Joe Biden.

Joe Biden, whom we’re told is the president-elect after receiving 18 million more votes on Nov. 3 than former President Barack Obama did in his 2012 race, reportedly hurt himself Sunday evening while playing with a dog.

The exact nature of the injury remains unclear.

CNN reported the 78-year-old fractured his foot Sunday at time foot while playing with a German Shepherd pup his campaign says is named Major.

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But after years of savage attacks on President Donald Trump, who is arguably the most transparent politician to ever live, the far-left network’s Chris Cillizza used Biden’s injury to dote over the former vice president.

Cillizza, an editor at the network, authored an opinion piece where he argued the fractured foot “reveals how different [Biden’s] White House will be from Donald Trump’s.”

The piece reads like it was written by a third-world state media reporter.


Cillizza opened his fawning piece about Biden’s foot with an attack on Trump — criticizing the president for an unscheduled visit to Walter Reed Medical Center from last November.

Apparently, Trump didn’t alert the pool of leftist activist reporters who hate him about a doctor visit, so that visit was somehow scandalous and nefarious.

Being that Cillizza is a CNN hack, he then spun the narrative to one praising Biden for being open and honest about reportedly hurting himself while playing with a dog.

“We were quickly told,” Cillizza claimed about the Biden injury, adding that the Democrat “was going to see his orthopedist out of an abundance of caution.”

“Within two hours, there was a statement from Dr. Kevin O’Connor noting that Biden’s foot had been X-rayed and it appeared as though he had a sprain. A CT scan was going to be conducted just to confirm the diagnosis, however.”

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Cillizza added that a follow-up visit scan confirmed Biden had hairline fractures in his foot.

The CNN editor also made sure to note that “hairline” fractures are “small.”

Cillizza, who has done absolutely no investigative research with regard to credible assertions that Biden is suffering from a cognitive decline, then praised the Democrat.

“Transparency in matters of health and, well, everything else, is fundamental to a functioning democracy. And we have had the opposite of that for these last four years,” he wrote.

“The transparency coming from Biden’s transition team about hairline fractures in the President-elect’s foot suggests that the effort by the Trump White House to actively obfuscate when asked basic questions about the President’s health is over,” wrote Cillizza.

That last line is most problematic, as it’s almost as if Cillizza is trying to convince not us, but himself, that the Biden injury is nothing but an opportunity for transparency from a man who just spent an entire election slurring his speech, forgetting where he was, hiding from the sun and going off on reporters who asked softball questions.

Biden actually snapped at a reporter who asked him about his cognitive health just a few months ago, going as far as to ask the man if he was strung out on cocaine.

We’re supposed to believe that a lifelong politician whose career has been stained by scandal is a transparent breath of fresh air?

Come on, man!

To pick apart Cillizza’s puff piece even farther, it’s not even clear that Biden was upfront in the slightest about the alleged puppy injury.

According to MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell, Biden actually hurt himself on Saturday and simply didn’t tell anyone, according to Fox News.

Mitchell was critical of how the alleged foot injury was handled by Biden and his staffers.

According to the network partisan, Biden’s team wasn’t transparent enough, as reporters were not only left in the dark about Biden hurting himself, but they weren’t even told they were going to a doctor’s office when Biden departed his Delaware home Sunday.

“They weren’t as forthcoming as you would hope they would be with the press pool that’s supposed to cover him,” Mitchell said Monday morning.

Now people on Twitter want Mitchell canceled for engaging in journalism, and CNN’s Cillizza looks more like a leftist shill than he ever did before.

Reportedly hiding an injury from the media for a full day before making them wait outside of an unscheduled doctor visit doesn’t sound very transparent, if that’s the criteria Cillizza uses.

But this is the kind of media coverage we can expect from CNN, barring any more alleged puppy-related injuries, should Biden hobble his way into the White House on that bad foot in January.

The network has attacked Trump’s every move, and continues to run interference for Biden, who definitely, we’re told, received 14 million more votes on Nov. 3 than Obama did in 2008.

But now, A Democrat appears to be headed to the White House, and he has a puppy, so forget about all the scandal and look at all the honesty and openness.

It’s absolutely not worth noting, but literally, Hitler also owned a German Shepherd.

Since CNN has taken any opportunity at all to connect President Trump to the mass killer for four years, it would seem reasonable to ensure other people with White House connections can’t be linked back to the Berchtesgaden, since that standard has been set.

Biden has not confirmed nor denied an affiliation to Hitler, or to Hitler’s dog — not through CNN at least.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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