
Op-Ed: Kamala Can't Claim To Support Small Businesses After Helping Violent Criminals Back Onto the Street


This weekend, presumptive vice president-elect Kamala Harris tweeted out her supposed “solidarity” with small businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Small businesses, especially Black and minority-owned businesses, urgently need relief to survive the effects of coronavirus this winter. @JoeBiden and I are committed to helping these businesses during this pandemic and get them the support they need to thrive in years to come,” she tweeted.

This is cringe-inducing when one remembers Harris’ twisted efforts this summer to aid the radical Minnesota Freedom Fund to bail out rioters and looters who terrorized these very same businesses. In fact, it was this deceptive “Freedom Fund” that paved the way for a twice-convicted sex offender to be released in July. For juxtaposition, here’s what Harris tweeted in June.

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“If you’re able to, chip in now to the @MNFreedomFund to help post bail for those protesting on the ground in Minnesota.”

I am both fascinated and disturbed by this mantra that somehow riots that caused the destruction of thousands of companies were “mostly peaceful protests.”


By Aug. 31, it was reported that nearly 1,500 businesses had been “heavily damaged” in Minneapolis and St. Paul. An Aug. 12 NPR headline declared, “Riots That Followed Anti-Racism Protests Come At Great Cost To Black-Owned Businesses.” The Daily Wire noted that the damage in Minnesota would “cost insurance companies up to $2 billion, making [the riots] the most expensive incident in insurance history.”

So, where was the noble Kamala Harris when the small businesses of this nation were being torched by radical antifa scoundrels? Simple. She was just doing what she’s always done.

She was lying to get elected to yet another political office. This time to one of the highest.

In 2010, it was Harris, then the San Francisco district attorney, who was lambasted by a judge for failing to speak out about a negligent police lab technician who was stealing narcotics. Harris intentionally hid information pertaining to the case from prosecutors — resulting in 600 cases being thrown out.

In 2014, Harris took an ardent stance against the release of nonviolent criminals — noting that “prisons would lose an important labor pool,” in the words of the Los Angeles Times.

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Evidently, most of these inmates had been arrested for marijuana-related offenses. But since cannabis is the hot issue for the progressive left, it is only fitting that she would have a “commitment to decriminalizing marijuana and expunging the records of people who have been convicted of marijuana offenses.”

This “commitment” would have been beneficial for the thousands of Californians with dime bags who were forced into prison cells because of her policies.

In 2015, Harris opposed efforts to make her office investigate shootings that involved officers. She was also against body cameras being worn. Of course, the presumptive VP-elect has conveniently become an ostentatious Black Lives Matter truther in the past year, or so, highlighting another instance of a swift opportunity to gain popularity with the voters.

During this presidential election, Harris has flip-flopped on numerous issues. Most notably, she changed her stance on fracking. In a 2019 CNN town hall, Harris said, “There’s no question I’m in favor of banning fracking.”

By the time the presidential election came around, Biden and Harris were still speaking out against fracking in speeches across the country. They had been independently for years.

But then it backfired. Because, evidently, this is a profession that employs millions and millions of hardworking Americans. Harris eventually backtracked on that position before the election, saying she and Biden “aligned”- on not banning fracking.

Now we are supposed to believe Harris is “committed” to helping small businesses. If this is the case, it lacks evidence or substance — and contradicts the entire trajectory of her career.

Harris has demonstrated a ridiculous lack of moral fortitude throughout her career, specifically in partaking in the release of the antifa clowns who had good fun ruining people’s small businesses for nights on end.

Consider the facts. Is this a politician committed to anything but her own self-interest?

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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