
Hunter Biden Suddenly Caves to House Republicans After Risk of Being Held in Contempt


Presidential son Hunter Biden, facing continued congressional procedures that could have ended with is being held in contempt of Congress, has apparently agreed to appear next month before two House committees to be deposed.

Biden will appear on Feb. 28 before the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability, chaired by James Comer, and the House Committee on the Judiciary, chaired by Jim Jordan.

The two committee chairs issued a brief “joint statement” that Comer shared in a post to X Thursday afternoon.

“Hunter Biden will appear before our committees for a deposition on February 28, 2024,” according to the statement. “His deposition will come after several interviews with Biden family members and associates.

“We look forward to Hunter Biden’s testimony,” the two Republicans added.

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The post to X listed five of the “Biden family members and associates” scheduled to be interviewed by the committees, and noted that an interview with President Joe Biden’s brother, James Biden, was in the works but had not yet been scheduled.

It concluded by noting that the committees were working to schedule testimony from still more potential witnesses.


“Our work isn’t done,” Comer wrote in his post.

Jordan didn’t post his own comments on X, but did share two posts from the Oversight Committee’s account about Hunter Biden’s upcoming testimony.

One of those posts essentially re-iterated the statement he and Comer had issued (although it’s not really fair to call Jordan’s post a “reiteration,” since he put it on social media about a minute before Comer did).

The other post was shorter — and some might say sweeter.

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Fox News reported that Hunter Biden’s attorney, Abbe Lowell, had requested a new subpoena, claiming that the earlier subpoena was not valid because it had been issued prior to the House vote to authorize the impeachment inquiry against President Biden.

“If you issue a new proper subpoena, now that there is a duly authorized impeachment inquiry, Mr. Biden will comply for a hearing or deposition,” Lowell wrote, according to Fox. “We will accept such a subpoena on Mr. Biden’s behalf.”

Comer and Jordan argued that the original subpoenas were, in fact, “lawful and … legally enforceable,” but nonetheless agreed to issue new ones “as an accommodation to Mr. Biden.”

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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