
Large Number of House Democrats Refuse to Condemn Biden's Open Border Policies During Live House Vote


The Democrats are known for sticking together at all costs, even if it means their own destruction. They need to quit fooling themselves — if Biden’s open border policy is left unchecked, it will destroy the American Republic and usher in the end of a representative democracy, including them.

And it looks like that’s just what they want.

The good news is that on Wednesday, House Resolution 957, which denounces the Biden administration’s open-border policies, passed by a vote of 225-187, according to Politico. All 211 Republican congressmen present voted in favor of the resolution, along with 14 Democrats.

The bad news? The great majority of Democrats — 187 — voted against the condemnation of Biden’s poisonous border policy, with 13 not voting.

The Recount posted the results of the House vote on X. “225-187: The House passes a resolution that denounces the Biden administration’s “open” border policies. 14 Democrats voted with Republicans.”

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

HR 957 was sponsored by Nathaniel Moran, a Republican Congressman from Texas, according to Politico. In a straightforward fashion that must have driven the Democrats crazy — progressives thrive on ambiguity, which they can manipulate — the resolution called out Biden’s open-border policy for what it is: a politically engineered foreign invasion unlike anything the United States has ever experienced.

The resolution opens by “[d]enouncing the Biden administration’s open-borders policies, condemning the national security and public safety crisis along the southwest border, and urging President Biden to end his administration’s open-borders policies.”


And then come the facts, fast and hard.

“Whereas the United States is in the midst of the worst border security crisis in the Nation’s history,” including U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents encountering “more than 100,000 illegal aliens along the southwest border” per month of Biden’s presidency.

The resolution goes on to cite over 7 million illegal aliens encountered, with at least 3.3 million of them released by the Biden administration into the interior of America.

Then it listed the “more than 1.7 million known illegal alien ‘gotaways’ [who] have successfully evaded the U.S. Border Patrol”  and 312 illegal aliens on the Terrorist Screening Dataset.

And the charges keep coming:

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

“Whereas the Biden administration created the illegal alien crisis at the southwest border by terminating the Migrant Protection Protocols, halting border wall construction, abusing parole authority, mass releasing millions of illegal aliens into the country, and implementing policies that incentivize illegal immigration, among other actions;

“Whereas the Biden administration systematically dismantled immigration enforcement and restricted the ability of immigration officials to deport aliens who violate United States law, ensuring relatively few aliens, including criminal aliens, are removed from the country …”

The list goes on, but you get the picture.

The question on any sane person’s mind should  be, “Why in the hell did 187 House Democrats vote against the resolution?” You can’t argue with the factual data. There is an engineered foreign invasion at the southern border. It is beyond dispute.

Are the Democrats like Stalinist drones who do whatever the Politburo says, either because they are true believers in a totalitarian government or they are too afraid to go against the grain and do what’s right?

Maybe they have no use for “right” or “wrong” because they don’t believe in God. If there is no God, there is only power, and whoever seizes it wins. Anything goes.

Or maybe the clods think all of the illegal immigrants will eventually — the faster the better — be granted immunity and be allowed to vote. And maybe all the illegal immigrants will automatically vote for the same kind of totalitarian fiends many of them — think Venezuela — risked everything to escape.

Whatever it turns out to be, a vote against HR 957 looks like an endorsement of Biden’s border policy. It follows that Democrats must like open borders because they want to ruin America.

It’s a bad look to anyone who has eyes to see — very bad. Ugly.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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