
Just 'a One-Off'? Joe Scarborough Roasts Democrats, Rips Biden as an Aberration


MSNBC host Joe Scarborough had some choice words for the Democratic Party in light of the 2020 general election results.

Despite the apparent success of their presidential nominee, Joe Biden, pending recounts and challenges from President Donald Trump, the Democrats struggled to gain traction in legislative races this cycle.

The party was prevented from establishing a natural Senate majority and lost several seats in the House of Representatives as well as two state legislatures.

“I’ve got to put a sidebar in here because after the dust settles, if Joe Biden ends up winning the presidency, then I think a lot of people are going to turn to what happened to the Democratic Party,” Scarborough said Nov. 6 on “Morning Joe.”

“There is no way to put this other than to say … Joe Biden winning looks like a one-off. This election, for the most part, was an absolute repudiation of the Democratic Party as a brand,” the host continued, critiquing the party’s increasingly progressive platform.

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“Their brand doesn’t work across most of America. It just doesn’t,” said the MSNBC host, who has harshly criticized Trump throughout his administration.

Scarborough highlighted the fact that many pundits and pollsters had projected the Democrats would reclaim the Senate and gain seats in the House as part of a blue wave.

So far, the party has failed to accomplish this.

The House results proved shocking among Democrats, with Republicans flipping at least nine seats.


The GOP also gained ground in state legislatures, giving the party an upper hand in redrawing congressional districts in the next term. The redistricting process occurs every 10 years.

“I was talking to the smartest, smartest data people alive that basically told me that the numbers were a mirage in Florida and across the upper Midwest,” Scarborough said.

“Those same people say that the Republicans are going to have a huge year in 2022 — just looking at this data, looking at our exit polls — if they don’t correct course, if the Democrats don’t correct course,” he said.

Left-wing establishment media figures were not alone in voicing their frustration after election night, however. Democratic Party members also joined the chorus.

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Rep. Abigail Spanberger of Virginia, for example, hammered party leaders in a post-election conference call.

“We need to be pretty clear, it was a failure,” she said. “It was not a success. We lost incredible members of Congress.”

She would go on to attack the Democrats’ use of left-wing buzz-phrases such as “socialism” and “defund the police.”

The unexpected losses and party infighting will likely play a major role in determining the effectiveness of a potential Biden presidency.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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