
FBI Brags About Hunting Down 'January 6 Fugitives,' Post Immediately Backfires


Jan. 6 seems to have become something of a holiday for the American left. The once minnow has grown itself into a whale for Democrats, who have demanded its place in infamy and history.

A designated incursion, plenty of Americans see Jan. 6 as a tyrannical fear tactic that becomes evermore useful on the horizon of the 2024 election. With over 1,200 defendants already charged in relation to the Capitol event, the continued arrests and celebrated anniversaries serve as warnings and reminders to the people of the penalty that comes with crossing the Democratic party.

This is the reason the hoax continues. The left apparently wants voters to believe that their freedom is purely at Democrats’ will. It’s truly what all of the unfair targeting is about — a quest for absolute and unceasing power.

Democrats aren’t concerned for justice but permanent national reign. With little done to stop them up to this point, they’ve become demonstrably emboldened. This includes the FBI, which resembles another arm of the Democratic party more and more.

The FBI seems less concerned with actual criminals and more concerned with hunting down freedom loving American people. They may have, however, just crossed the line in a recent announcement they shared on the social media platform X.

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It’s ruffled many feathers, using the arrest of three accused Jan. 6 fugitives over the weekend to remind Americans just who’s sitting in the catbird seat — the Democratic party and friends. The public has obviously had their fill.

The comment on X read, “The FBI executed three federal arrests warrants early this morning at a ranch in Groveland, Florida in Lake County. The subjects taken into custody are January 6 fugitives Jonathan Daniel Pollock, Olivia Michele Pollock, and Joseph Daniel Hutchinson III. The defendants are scheduled to appear in Federal Court in Ocala, Florida on Monday, January 8. No further details concerning their capture are available at this time.”

The arrests were made on the third anniversary of the Capitol incursion.


According to NBC News, “Jonathan Pollock is accused by federal authorities of helping breach a barricade and assaulting officers, grabbing one by the waist and pulling the officer down the stairs, punching another in the face, and stealing another officer’s police shield.”

He’s been on the run ever since, with the FBI offering a $30,000 reward for any information leading to his capture.

Olivia Pollock, having previously been arrested, failed to show up for her court date on March 6, 2023. She remained on the run until this past weekend.

The FBI’s announcement blew up almost immediately. One comment on X called the FBI completely “corrupt,” compelling the need for people to speak out or risk being the next to be prosecuted.

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Another stated how “frightening and disgusting” it is that “the FBI is now the enemy of Americans,” encouraging Americans to take action.

Readers declared the announcement to be just another example of federal law enforcement — and by way the Democrats — becoming obsessed with hunting down anyone even remotely connected to the Capitol incursion while leaving over 10 million illegal immigrants to invade the United States’ southern border and roam free. This as rumors continue to fly that these illegal immigrants will be granted amnesty before long, with forgiveness and residency to follow.

According to the Associated Press, Attorney General Merrick Garland said, “The Justice Department will hold all Jan. 6 perpetrators at any level accountable under the law, whether they were present that day or otherwise criminally responsible for the assault on our democracy.”

As authorities are still searching for 80 people considered fugitives in relation to Jan. 6, additional arrests are being made. Garland’s statement is a convenient catch-all, if I ever heard one. It is highly subjective in nature and extremely dangerous to American freedom. The power it gives the Department of Justice is nearly limitless. It stands to reason why U.S. Attorney Matthew Graves noted in a recent news briefing that people who stood outside the Capitol on Jan. 6 “without authorization” could be prosecuted. This would be absurd if there wasn’t such a determined, destructive, no holds barred agenda behind it.

Combine that with the grandstanding exampled by the FBI, anger and panic over the direction the United States is heading is boiling over. By word and by deed, we are losing our great nation to one that resembles more of a police state.

The Democratic Party is making good on its promises. Is it any wonder the reaction to the FBI’s announcement was so severe?

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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