
Hunter Biden Filming Secret Documentary to Portray Himself as Nice-Guy Father, Artist and Recovering Addict: Report


President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, is reportedly attempting to rehabilitate his public image with a secret documentary project that reportedly casts him as the hero, according to news reports.

According to a whistleblower, Hunter was handed a windfall of $4.9 million by his attorney, Kevin Morris. And part of the way Morris allegedly intends to recoup some of that loan is to make a documentary to “set the record straight” on how wonderful Hunter is, the Daily Mail reported.

Morris is known as Hunter’s “sugar brother” for the many unusual favors he has extended to the president’s son, including paying off Hunter’s $2.8 million back tax bill “in an attempt to placate prosecutors,” according to the Daily Mail.

Morris has also reportedly covered Hunter’s rent and housing debts, paid off legal fees, settled car payments, paid advisers, and even bought Hunter’s “art.”

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The Daily Mail added that Morris is trying to make a film portraying Hunter as a great father who is working on being sober and is a real-life human worthy of your respect and who is being put upon by his dad’s political enemies.

Morris reportedly hopes that the film will give Hunter the “last word” on his reputation.

The Hollywood lawyer, who made millions by investing in a TV deal for the raucous cartoon “South Park,” has also claimed that Hunter’s infamous laptop was a scheme invented by the Donald Trump campaign to help the former president’s political aspirations.


Morris allegedly imagines that John Paul Mac Isaac, the man who owned the computer shop in which Hunter’s laptop was found, is “a Trojan horse for a right-wing scheme to broadcast the worst of Biden’s digital life,” according to the Los Angeles Times, which cited “text messages filed in L.A. County Superior Court last spring.”

Conservative Irish filmmaker Phelim McAleer told the Times that Morris interviewed him recently and that he became suspicious of Morris’ motives when the lawyer began asking about “the real history off the laptop” as if it wasn’t real, but was instead a plant.

McAleer said he was never told that Morris was seeking to rehabilitate Hunter’s reputation and found out later.

“He was out there looking for information and evidence for his client while he was pretending to be something he was not,” McAleer told the paper.

Unsurprisingly, Hunter has been full of effusive praise for Morris.

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“I don’t know where I would be if not for Kevin,” Hunter told the Los Angeles Times.

“And I don’t mean just because he has loaned me money to survive this onslaught, I mean because he has given me back my dignity. He’s been a brother to me,” Hunter added.

“What was in it for Kevin? I think that you don’t truly understand or know Kevin if that’s your question,” Hunter said.

The president’s son also said he “needs” Morris.

“But it’s with the knowledge that no matter what, that I know that if I need him and most likely before I even know that I need him, he will be there and likewise me with him,” Hunter said.

Morris’ many multimillion-dollar gifts to Hunter have also come under scrutiny by the IRS.

For his part, Morris is also full of praise for Hunter.

“He’s a fighter, he is fearless,” Morris told the L.A. Times about Hunter.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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