
Biden Says Israel's Government 'Has to Change'


President Joe Biden called for changes in how the Israeli government approaches its conflict the Palestinians in a closed-door event on Tuesday, according to a report.

Barak Ravid with Axios reported that in a rare critique of Benjamin Netanyahu’s government, Biden called on Israel’s leadership to change its approach to the conflict with Hamas and its stance on the Palestinian National Authority before the country starts to lose support internationally.

The comments come in the wake of recent comments made by Netanyahu in which he ruled out working with the Palestinian National Authority moving forward.

As Israel’s war against Islamic terrorism approaches its third month, Netanyahu is opposed to going back to business as usual with leaders in Gaza and the West Bank.

On the topic, according to Ravid, Biden criticized Israel’s stance on post-war governance in the region.

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“I think he has to change, and with this government, this government in Israel is making it very difficult for him to move,” Biden said in comments Ravid described as “off-camera.”

Biden reportedly added that Netanyahu will have a “tough decision to make” after the war is over.

He also reportedly referred to Israel’s current government as “the most conservative government in Israel’s history.”

Representatives for Netanyahu did not offer a response when asked for comment on Biden’s comments.


Netanyahu has taken a hard-line stance against allowing Gaza to return to a staging ground for attacks on Israel following the current war, which began on Oct. 7.

More than 1,400 Israelis died in attacks carried out by Hamas.

Women, children and men were slaughtered in their homes, in the streets and some while attending a concert.

Hundreds of others were kidnapped and/or raped.

While the White House would like to see the Palestinian National Authority rule over Gaza after Hamas is neutralized, Netanyahu said prior to Biden’s comments on Tuesday that he is opposed to the plan.

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“After the great sacrifice of our civilians and our soldiers … I will not allow the entry into Gaza of those who educate for terrorism, support terrorism and finance terrorism,” Netanyahu said, The Hill reported.

Netanyahu added he is grateful for American support during the ongoing conflict.

Israeli soldiers are currently in Gaza clearing the area of terrorists and infrastructure that Hamas uses to target Israel — including vast networks of tunnels.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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