
Teen Girl Swimmers Again Forced to Compete, Shower with Male Professor, 50, Who Identifies as Female


The undermining of women’s sports appears to have hit a new low.

On Wednesday, Rebel News reported that a 50-year-old man, Nicholas Cepeda, was once again allowed to compete in a female swimming competition on the grounds that he identifies as a teenage girl.

“We first got wind of Cepeda back in October when he competed at a swim meet in Markham, [Ontario],” Rebel’s David Menzies wrote. “We were tipped off by concerned parents that this 50-year-old biological man prefers to compete with teenage girls, some as young as 13!”

“And incredibly, everyone from the Barrie Trojans Swim Club to Swim Ontario to Swim Canada seems to be perfectly fine with this gender-bending grifter breaking the rules.”

The Canadian outlet also revealed that Cepeda showers with his young female competitors.

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“Our fears were confirmed that Cepeda does not change and shower in the male or even the family change rooms. Nope, we witnessed this guy going into the girls’ changeroom/showers. It was equal parts egregious, outrageous and downright gross,” the article continued.

Cepeda made his first appearance at a regional swimming competition in Toronto back in October.


His participation appears to be in contravention of a recent ruling by World Aquatics that transgender swimmers who do not meet the requirements must not be allowed to compete against women. Instead, those individuals must compete in a specialized “open category” of their own.

Making the case even more extraordinary is that Cepeda holds the position of an “Associate Professor of Psychology” at York University in Toronto.

His research interests include the study of “cognitive psychology-based methods for improving teaching, learning, and long-term retention.”

Speaking to LifeSiteNews, Jack Fonseca of Canada’s Campaign Life Coalition, which promotes socially conservative values, described the case as “really disturbing.”

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“When adult males are allowed into the changerooms and showers of underage girls and protected in this perversion by those in authority, I have to wonder if we’re witnessing the mainstreaming of pedophilia before our very eyes.”

“Why would a 50-year old man want to be in the showers and changerooms with 13-year old girls?” he asked. “Might it be for the sexual arousal of watching naked and semi-naked girls while they shower and undress?”

“This has to be considered and should be investigated by police,” he added.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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