
DHS Officials Warn of Surge in Illegal Border Crossing in Anticipation of Biden Presidency


Immigration officials are sounding the alarm about a coming influx of illegal immigration across the country’s southern border should Democrat Joe Biden ultimately win the 2020 election and become our next president.

The establishment media called the still-contested race for Biden earlier this month, and the Democrat has wasted no time preparing a transition team.

Americans aren’t the only people who have been watching closely. Those seeking to enter the country from Mexico are preparing a surge of migration northward from Mexico and Central America, according to border security officials.

Biden has promised to put an end to President Donald Trump’s hardline stance against illegal immigration, which would signal to migrants that the nation’s southern border is wide open.

Fox News reported that during a conference call last week, acting Customs and Border Commissioner Mark Morgan warned that an end to Trump’s policies would create a migration crisis as tens of thousands of people could immediately converge on the border.

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Such an influx of people could make the Land Run of 1893 look like small potatoes.

As Morgan put it, the crisis could exceed the 2019 border crisis in which more than 140,000 illegal crossings occurred in only one month.

“If MPP is to go away, it’ll be absolutely devastating,” Morgan said on the call of the Trump administration’s Migrant Protection Protocols, which sends migrants to Mexico to await their asylum hearings.

Trump’s policies have seen the number of illegal immigrants released into the country decrease dramatically.


According to Fox News, Morgan said that during the 2019 fiscal year, the CBP and Immigration and Customs Enforcement released more than half a million people into the country.

So far this fiscal year, only 15,000 illegal immigrants have been released into the country, he said.

Morgan recently touted the efficacy of Trump’s border wall with curtailing border crossings.

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Leftists and establishment media activists are already petitioning Biden to tear down every mile of that wall.

According to Morgan, Biden’s immigration plans would also create a scenario where those who enter the country illegally are no longer deported back into Mexico to await a determination of whether they can be granted asylum.

“If you remove MPP as well as other policies that critics have said they’re going to remove, make no mistake that is going to sound the alarm that our borders are open,” Morgan said on the conference call, according to Fox News.

“The smugglers as we know, as history shows, as data proves, they will exploit the loopholes, and they will further exploit the migrants and you will see a crisis that makes last year’s crisis look like child’s play,” he said. “And you can take that to the bank.”

According to Morgan, though, illegal border crossings are already increasing.

The immigration official said that in October, 69,000 people entered the country illegally.

That number, per Fox News, was an increase of 21 percent from the month prior and a 54 percent increase from the same time period last year.

Morgan attributed those numbers to “anticipated shifts in policy.”

In an address to Arizona sheriffs in October, acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf warned that if the Trump administration’s safeguards “are removed or overturned, then the department — and you, our frontline partners — would be imperiled by another immigration crisis.”

That’s a kind way of saying that those aiming to cross our southern border have been expecting a Biden win and have been preparing to overwhelm border agents on their way toward a community near you.

If the 78-year-old Democrat is certified as the election winner, every bit of the ground that has been gained these last four years to enforce the country’s immigration laws would be lost.

Even before taking office, the former vice president already is creating a legacy that sees criminals feel emboldened to violate American border sovereignty.

If nothing else, as we sit here in November, we have a small preview of what a Biden presidency would look like.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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