
MTG Alleges Male Republican Colleague Got Physically Aggressive with Her


A new report claims that Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene has accused a fellow Republican member of Congress from Georgia of getting aggressive with her.

The report from CNN claimed that during a meeting last week with House Speaker Mike Johnson, Greene hurled an accusation against Republican Rep. Richard McCormick.

The CNN report said Greene claimed McCormick was “physically aggressive,” citing sources it did not name.

McCormick has said a “friendly gesture” is being misconstrued.

The incident took place in the emotional time after House Republicans supported McCormick’s resolution to censure Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib of Michigan over her anti-Semitic conduct instead of the impassioned one authored by Greene.

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CNN claimed its sources told it that Greene alleged to Johnson that McCormick grabbed her shoulders and shook her. Johnson has reached out to hear McCromick’s side of the story, CNN reported.

McCormick said the interaction between the two did not go as he had hoped, but that he apologized to Greene.

“I understand why there would be a lot of raw emotions following the censure vote given that her censure was tabled and mine passed. My intention was to encourage Rep. Greene by making a friendly gesture,” he said in a statement.

“I said to her, ‘at least we can have an honest discussion,’ to which she said she did not appreciate that. For that I immediately apologized and have not spoken to her since,” he said.


Greene told CNN she disagreed with that summary of the situation.

She told CNN last week she had undergone a “serious” situation with a male colleague she did not name, but did not discuss details.

Greene has vented her frustration with fellow Republicans on Facebook.

“Republicans refuse to impeach any of the Democrats who are responsible for destroying our country and have so far thrown out a Republican Speaker and now expelled a Republican member,” she wrote in a recent post.

“We now have a 3 seat majority and have another Republican resigning soon, and will have a 2 seat majority, as long as every Republican shows up when we are in session. Republican voters want us to stop the communist Democrat’s agenda and hold Democrats accountable, NOT destroy our majority and do nothing to hold Democrats accountable. Shameful!!” she posted.

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On the day her Tlaib resolution was set aside, she told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution,“I am frustrated with it,” adding that House leaders were “playing games.”

“I’m not having relationship problems. I feel like a Republican voter. That is where my mindset is. I’m tired of being let down by Republicans in Washington,” she said.

In a post-vote interview, she said “Republican voters across the country are sick and tired of Republicans because they never do anything to hold this government accountable. Republicans go out on the campaign trail, they go on TV and post on social media and say all this garbage that they are going to fight it, stop it,” according to Newsweek.

“I feel like many of the American people that think Republicans in Congress completely fail them. I feel the same way. And I’m a Republican member of Congress,” she said.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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