
Trump Lawyer Vindicated by Judge: 'Press, Did You Hear That?'


Leftist media outlets circle the Trump camp like starving dogs waiting for something to eat. If they find a scrap here or there, they gobble it up before regurgitating it to their late-night talk show allies.

The journalists don’t care if what they are spewing out is true or not. By the time the truth comes out, the damage will have been done — or so they hope.

But the truth will come out. It always does. And if a leftist judge is the one forced to come clean, so be it. It’s worth the risk if the lies turn a few more people against Donald Trump.

There was a lot of hubbub this month about Trump lawyer Alina Habba allegedly forgetting to request a jury trial in the lawsuit brought by New York Attorney General Letitia James.

On Oct. 11, the judge presiding over Trump’s case, one Arthur Engoron, appeared — at least momentarily — to back up that claim.

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Engoron said in court that “Donald Trump did not request a jury for his New York civil fraud trial,” CBS News reported.

He went on to explain that James had suggested a non-jury proceeding when she filed the official paperwork. The Trump team had 15 days to oppose James but did not.

Uh oh. That still looks pretty bad. Does that mean Trump’s lawyers could have petitioned for a jury trial but didn’t? Why not?

Maybe because there would have been no point in doing so. “It would not have helped to make a motion,” Engoron continued. “Nobody forgot to check off a box.”


Habba thanked the judge for coming clean. “I would like to say thank you, your honor,” she said, according to CBS.

Then she turned to reporters in the gallery. “Press, did you hear that? I didn’t forget to check the box.”

Apparently, the writers over at “Jimmy Kimmel Live” didn’t hear that. Or maybe they’re just determined to dutifully carry water for the left, truth be damned.

On Tuesday’s episode of “Jimmy Kimmel Live,” the host asserted that Trump’s “dummy lawyers forgot to request a jury trial, which means he’s definitely not paying them.”

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On Wednesday, Habba struck back at Kimmel for spreading lies.

“Hey [Kimmel],” Habba wrote, “first you started off doing blackface and now you’ve gone full blown fake news. Maybe that’s why your ratings are in the toilet. There was no box to check. Stop trying to play lawyer.”

The joke’s on you, Kimmel.

Leftists may bank on people being naive and stupid enough to buy what they spew, but the truth has a way of trumping lies.

Count on it.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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