
8-Year-Old Among Three Killed on Texas Side of US Point of Entry


In a harrowing reminder that police close to Mexico have to worry about all manner of crime on both sides of the border, a horrific tragedy has struck the city of El Paso, Texas.

In a car crash near the Ysleta port of entry, the El Paso Times reports that two women and an 8-year-old girl died after their vehicle was crashed into by a man allegedly fleeing local police.

Carlos Alejandro Martinez, 21, faces three counts of murder for his role in the horrific incident.

Martinez reportedly ran from police after they had initially tried to pull him over for speeding.

Instead of pulling over, Martinez accelerated and fled, before exiting the highway and running a red light.

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

While running that red light, Martinez triggered the multi-car accident that claimed the lives of the two women, ages 37 and 27, and the young child.

Two other drivers were involved in the accident, though neither of them appeared to have been injured.

Adding to the scariness of it all, an eyewitness video that the Times confirmed was of Martinez showed the immediate aftermath of the crash — flaming wreckage and all.

Former Texas Rep. Mayra Flores shared the video on X and it’s as heart-stopping as it sounds:


In the video, Martinez is seen rifling through the back of one of the wrecked cars.

He is eventually confronted by police, who shoot him with an electric stun gun. An electrocuted and stiffened Martinez promptly fell to the ground before fires soon consumed the wreckage.

While the scene may seem like something out of the latest “Fast and Furious” movie, it is most assuredly real life and a real warning about the dangers that local law enforcement face on a daily basis — especially in places near the border.

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

And it would be remiss not to note that these everyday dangers and horrors that law enforcement face everyday can largely be traced back to the “big guy” up top — President Joe Biden.

Biden is, by all indications, a hollow husk for the far left to manipulate as they see fit.

That makes him a perfect vessel to push all manner of far-left nonsense like soft-on-crime policies that make police officers’ difficult jobs even harder.

As is evidenced by this case involving Martinez, policing in this country — especially near a porous border — is a dangerous enough job as it is.

It’s long past due that Democratic leadership starts focusing on the safety of police and not nearly as much on the criminals.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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