Official White House Photo by Joyce N. Boghosian / Flickr Bob Ehrlich: Here's One of the Most Insightful Replies a NeverTrumper Ever Sent Me 'The terse response served to remind me (and us) how approximately 80 million anti-Trump Americans have viewed the last four years.' By Bob Ehrlich, The Western Journal December 19, 2020
Gage Skidmore / Flickr Tuberville Indicates He May Object to Electoral Votes, Defy McConnell 'I want to do what’s best for President Trump and the people of Alabama and the people of this country,' Tuberville said. By Randy DeSoto, The Western Journal December 18, 2020
(CBS Denver / YouTube) Researchers Are Fitting Some COVID Vaccine Recipients with Body Metric Tracking Devices A Colorado company is outfitting some people who receive COVID vaccines with chest buttons to track their vitals for a week after the shot. By Kipp Jones, The Western Journal December 18, 2020
Gage Skidmore / Flickr Michigan Recount Confirms Trump Won County That Went to Biden Trump is plowing ahead with his legal challenges, while the mainstream media rabidly dismisses mounting fraud claims. By Samantha Chang, The Western Journal December 18, 2020
@NYGovCuomo / Twitter screen shot Cuomo Bans Indoor Dining Days Before Massive Snowstorm The rule went into effect Monday, just days before a snowstorm pounded New York City. By Jared Harris, The Western Journal December 18, 2020
Gun Talk Media / YouTube screen shot ATF's New Guidance on Pistol Braces Immediately Puts Gun Owners in Legal Trouble 'This is why we must all fight to protect the pro-gun Senate majority in the run-off races in Georgia,' the NRA said. By Kipp Jones, The Western Journal December 18, 2020
Gage Skidmore / Flickr Jordan: Winning GA Senate Runoffs Key To Being Able to Investigate Bidens' Business Dealings 'This just underscores why keeping the Senate in Republican hands, and winning those two seats in Georgia is so darn important,' Jordan said. By Randy DeSoto December 18, 2020
@pdog119 / Twitter screen shot Twitter Fact Checks Trump on Everything, Utterly Fails To Censor Blatant Chinese Propaganda Twitter censors Trump on a constant basis while at the same time allowing the Chinese Communist Party to promote propaganda. By Michael Austin, The Western Journal December 18, 2020
Wiyre Media / Flickr Report: Pentagon Abruptly Halts Biden Transition Briefings In a statement, Acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller cast doubt on some aspects of Axios report, though the Biden team fired back. By Erin Coates, The Western Journal December 18, 2020
Official White House Photo by Tia Dufour / Flickr Supreme Court Hands Trump Admin Temporary Win in Census Case Against Blue States 'Everyone agrees by now that the government cannot feasibly implement the memorandum by excluding the estimated 10.5 million aliens.' By Erin Coates, The Western Journal December 18, 2020
David Daniels via GMA / Facebook screen shot Gas Station Cashier Who Walks Over 5 Miles to Work Each Way Surprised with Car As he continued chatting, Daniels learned that his passenger routinely walked the over 11-mile roundtrip commute every day. By Amanda Thomason, The Western Journal December 18, 2020
The New York Times / Facebook screen shot Charcuterie Wreaths Are a Festive Way To Eat Cheese This Holiday Make one for a cozy evening by the fire. Make one for a neighbor. Make a dog-appropriate one for your furry friend. By Amanda Thomason, The Western Journal December 18, 2020
Gage Skidmore / Flickr Push To 'Get Joe Involved' Revealed in Newly Released Hunter Biden Associate Texts It's becoming more difficult by the day to believe Joe Biden had no knowledge of, or received no benefit from, his son's business dealings. By Elizabeth Stauffer, The Western Journal December 18, 2020
Ståle Grut / NRKbeta / Flickr Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Loses Race for Coveted Commerce Committee Spot House Democrats have rejected New York Rep. Alexandria Ocsaio-Cortez's effort to make herself more important. By Jack Davis, The Western Journal December 18, 2020
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert / YouTube screen shot Joe Biden Claims Accusations Against Hunter Are 'Foul Play' Despite Federal Investigation Biden said that if he were 'back in the days in high school,' he might challenge his son's detractors to a fistfight. By Jack Davis, The Western Journal December 18, 2020
Gage Skidmore / Flickr AOC Picks Twitter Fight with Marco Rubio, So He Ends It with 1 Word In a Twitter back-and-forth with the New York legislator, Rubio had the perfect comeback for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. By C. Douglas Golden, The Western Journal December 18, 2020
Newsmax via Cubbies Edits / YouTube screen shot Ellis: 'Fight Not Over Yet,' State Legislatures and Alternate GOP Electoral College Delegates Are Key The ball is really in the court of swing state legislatures, Ellis argued, citing the Constitution's Article II, Section 1. By Randy DeSoto December 18, 2020
Clem Onojeghuo / Unsplash Dem Governor Photographed at Restaurant After Telling Citizens To Stay Home This sends a message to Raimondo's citizens that their lives and livelihoods aren't as important as hers. By Erin Erhardt, The Western Journal December 18, 2020
Miami-Dade Animal Services / Facebook screen shot Animal Services Rescues Two Dogs Submerged Underwater Inside Septic Tank 'Luckily I was able to find the ladder,' the worker said. "If not I would have jumped in there to try to get them out.' By Amanda Thomason, The Western Journal December 18, 2020
Lucian Petronel Potlog / Pexels County Coroner Sounds the Alarm on Gunshot Deaths Being Listed as Deaths Among COVID Cases: Report A coroner in Colorado is calling out the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment over its death classification system. By Elizabeth Stauffer, The Western Journal December 17, 2020
Gage Skidmore / Flickr Hillary Clinton Slams Republicans Mad About Being Called 'A Bunch of F***ers' by Biden Campaign Manager Hillary Clinton poured gasoline on the flames of outrage when she implied Republicans had no reason to be affronted. By Jack Davis, The Western Journal December 17, 2020