
Over 2,000 Mail-In Ballots in LA County Have 1 Fatal Flaw: There's No Way To Vote for President


More than 2,000 “faulty” mail-in ballots sent out in Los Angeles County did not give voters an option to vote for president, according to the LA County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk’s Office.

The Los Angeles Times reported that 2,100 of the faulty ballots, which were missing a box for voters to decide on a presidential candidate, ended up in mailboxes mostly in the Woodland Hills area of the San Fernando Valley.

The decision to send the ballots in the first place came after California Gov. Gavin Newsom issued an order in May requiring all registered voters in the state to receive unsolicited mail-in ballots.

The Times reported of this week’s ballot irregularities, “The botched effort was part of a campaign to mail 21 million ballots to registered California voters. About 5.6 million of those voters are in L.A. County. State law mandates that absentee ballots be mailed 29 days ahead of the Nov. 3 election.”

The election is 28 days away from Tuesday, the date the Times report was filed.

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How state law will be navigated to remedy the situation is unclear.

Michael Sanchez, a spokesman for the County Clerk’s Office, said those who received the botched ballots will still be able to vote.

“If they have already filled out and mailed their original ballot … we will cancel their original ballot once their new ballot is received,” he told the Times.

Sanchez also assured voters the problem was limited to the Woodland Hills area, saying, “While this has impacted a very small number of Los Angeles County voters … we nevertheless apologize to those affected by the mistake.”


The faulty ballots would lead one to wonder how election officials neglected to include an option to vote for President Donald Trump, Democrat Joe Biden or another presidential candidate.

Surely there is a process of oversight where important documents such as ballots receive scrutiny before being printed, let alone mailed out.

Somehow, the names of the candidates in the most important election in modern American history were left off.

Oddly enough, the San Fernando Valley region is much more culturally conservative than the rest of the city and most of the county.

Woodland Hills contains Los Angeles County’s highest percentage of Korean War and World War II veterans, and 10.7 percent of the area is made up of military veterans, according to demographics information provided by the Times.

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The area is also 78 percent white, and the majority of residents are over the age of 35.

Why is this information relevant?

It is yet another example of issues created by Democrats’ push for widespread, unsecured and unsolicited mail-in ballots.

Four weeks before the election, we shouldn’t have to speculate about faulty ballots and whether they were sent incomplete intentionally.

We shouldn’t have to pore over neighborhood demographics with regard to election ballots because of yet another issue.

Democrats and their “nothing is off the table” rhetoric are already making a mess of the coming election.

This situation stinks, and it further diminishes the legitimacy of mail-in voting and the overall election, which is already in doubt before in-person voting has begun in most areas.

Despite the claims of Democrats that voting in person is dangerous and that using mail-in ballots is a safe and secure alternative, examples of irregularities with mail-in ballots continue to emerge across the country.

Trump did a pretty good job with regard to outlining many of those issues two weeks ago at the White House.

Democrats have used the coronavirus as a pretext to overload voting machines nationwide with millions of these ballots across the country.

In the process, they’ve harmed the country’s electoral process by creating an ever-growing doubt about election security and legitimacy.

One person who received a faulty ballot explained the situation to the Times.

“I’ve always been an in-person voter, so I wasn’t even planning on looking at the ballot until the day I was going to vote,” said attorney Christy Gargalis, a Woodland Hills resident.

She said others in the neighborhood had reported the same issue, along with the three residents inside of her home.

“Something told me that this was a different election, a different year, and I just had to check my ballot, and I’m glad I did,” Gargalis said.

Indeed, this is a different year.

It’s a year in which every leftist institution in the country, including the establishment media, have thrown everything they have at the president in order to deny him a second term.

There’s already an argument to be made that all of these ballots should be purged from the election.

We can’t know the scale of mail-in ballot irregularities or ballot harvesting in this election, but we can respond by voting in-person.

Voters concerned about a fair election should demand that all others do the same.

We can’t concede an inch to the Democrats on the issue.

If voters send a fair and clear message that they want President Joe Biden along with statehood for Puerto Rico and D.C., a packed Supreme Court, an end to the filibuster and socialized medicine and energy, that’s one thing.

However, if the Democrats are given power and there is even the appearance of malfeasance, then the country will face a historic crisis.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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