
12 UN Agency Employees Involved in Oct. 7 Hamas Attack After Biden Reinstated Funding that Trump Pulled: Report


Something is rotten at the core of the globalist dream of world domination. That rot has roosted at the United Nations.

According to a Monday report in The Wall Street Journal, intelligence reports shared by Israel with the United States show at least 12 employees of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency were connected to the Oct. 7 Hamas terrorist attack on Israel. Even more alarming, approximately 10 percent of the agency’s Gaza staff have connections to Islamist militant groups.

Blundering Joe Biden and Co. were also complicit in the attacks, at least from a distance. The Biden administration renewed funding to the UNRWA in 2021 after the Trump administration had suspended it in 2018 because the White House considered the “agency’s mission” to be “fundamentally misguided,” according to the Journal.

If there were awards for understatement, “fundamentally misguided” would deserve one.

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The intelligence briefing led even the blind Biden administration to suspend U.S. aid to UNRWA, the Journal reported.

According to a Fox News report Sunday, other nations that have suspended aid to the agency include Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany and Japan.

According to the Journal, the intelligence briefing showed six UNRWA employees joined Hamas militants to help murder some of the estimated 1,200 victims of the Oct. 7 attack. It was the deadliest single day of slaughter of Jews since the Holocaust.


Two UNWRA employees took part in kidnapping Israelis, the intelligence showed, according to the Journal. Two others were tracked to locations where scores of Israeli civilians were gunned down, the Journal reported. Yet others helped plan the attack, including securing weapons.

Seven of the 12 UNRWA employees connected to the slaughter were school teachers, “including two math teachers, two Arabic language teachers and one primary school teacher,” according to the Journal.

Almost 75 percent of UNRWA’s Gaza-based local staff are teachers. UNRWA schools use textbooks approved by the Palestinian Authority that “allegedly glorify terrorists and promote hatred of Israel,” according to the Journal. UNRWA claims to have taken steps to address the problem, the Journal. However, a 2019 report from the U.S. Government Accountability Office report suggests otherwise in that the so-called measures are not always implemented “due to financial shortfalls and other constraints.”

(Are your kids being taught to hate others in school? Maybe that’s why there has been so much support for Hamas on college campuses. Maybe they learned how to hate Western civilization in school, too.)

The intelligence assessment concluded that approximately 1,200 of UNRWA’s roughly 12,000 employees in Gaza have links to the terrorist organizations Hamas or Palestinian Islamic Jihad, according to the Journal. It said nearly 50 percent  — some 6,000 — have “close relatives” who belong to the Islamist terrorist groups, the Journal reported. Hamas has been in charge of Gaza since 2007.

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Of UNWRA’s 30,000 employees in the Middle East, the overwhelming majority are Palestinian, according to the Journal, and Israel has long believed UNWRA foments anti-Israeli sentiment in the overflowing refugee camps that provide fertile recruiting grounds for Hamas and other terrorist groups.

“UNRWA’s problem is not just ‘a few bad apples’ involved in the October 7 massacre,” a senior Israeli government official said. “The institution as a whole is a haven for Hamas’ radical ideology.”

That almost sounds like another understatement.

After news of the intelligence report got out, UNRWA issued a statement claiming it had fired the employees involved in the slaughter, according to the Journal. The statement gave no details. UNRWA may as well go into the business of selling bridges to nowhere.

Philippe Lazzarini, UNRWA commissioner-general, lambasted the U.S. and other nations for pausing aid after the news got out.  It is “immensely irresponsible to sanction an agency and an entire community it serves because of allegations of criminal acts against some individuals,” Lazzarini said, according to the Journal.

UNRWA “looks after” more than 5 million people in overflowing refugee neighborhoods across the Middle East. The agency has a sizable presence in the West Bank, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon. In Gaza, UNRWA “looks after” an estimated 80 percent of the local population, according to the Journal.

UNWRA appears to be holding the people it is supposed to help hostage. The intelligence report claims that Hamas is so intertwined in the UNRWA aid-delivery operations that they coordinate transfers for the enterprise, according to the Journal. In other words, the UNRWA is Hamas.

U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres — who has a spotted record when it comes to the Israel-Hamas war — said he was horrified by the allegations and begged nations to not suspend humanitarian aid, the Journal reported.

Could it be that he was horrified that UNWRA got caught? Could it be that Guiterrez is even more culpable than the Biden administration’s funding of the fiendish group?

Rot spreads. In this case, it looks to be coming home to roost.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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